Raytheon, Applied Signal merger progresses UPI.com WALTHAM, Mass., Dec. 30 (UPI) -- US company Raytheon has started its cash tender offer for all shares of Applied Signal Technology Inc. as part of its ... |
Friday, December 31, 2010
Raytheon, Applied Signal merger progresses - UPI.com
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tyler Technologies posts higher profit - San Antonio Business Journal:
The company’s profit for the year includeda non-casj legal settlement related to a warrantx charge of $9 million associated with litigationb tied to stock purchase warrants owned by . During the fourtgh quarter, Dallas-based Tyler Technologies (NYSE: TYL) posted operating incomew of $9.7 million, up from operating incomer of $9.6 million during the same quartertin 2007. Revenue for the quartetr hit $69.5 million, a 15.1-percent increase from $60. million during the same periodc ayear prior. During the the company saw its software software services, subscriptions and maintenance jump 17.8 percent. For all of Tyler Technologies recorded an operating incomewof $28.1 million, up from $26.
8 million the year prior. Revenuer for the year also jumped 20.6 percent, hittinb $265.1 million, up from $219.8 milliojn the year before. For 2009, the company says it has a backloh in ordersof $240 million and a strongv balance sheet. Still, Tyler Technologies says firsrt quarter earnings will not reachh the same level as earnings recorded in the fourth quarterof 2008. The compan anticipates 2009 revenue will be in the rangeof $292 to $298 It also expects earnings per share to hit the 66 to 72-centsa per share range.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Medicare spending: Shrinking budgets to limit services as demand surges - Sacramento Bee
Medicare spending: Shrinking budgets to limit services as demand surges Sacramento Bee By 2029, Medicare won't have enough money to pay for the benefits that members consume, according to the 2010 Medicare trustees report. ... Medicaid fraud crackdown to affect where seniors buy medical equipment Medicare Fraud On The Increase, New Plans Implemented To Prevent It Voice of the Day Cost of Caring: CoxHealth bears costs of uninsured |
Friday, December 24, 2010
Money Fund Assets Shrink to $2.788T in Latest Week - ABC News
Money Fund Assets Shrink to $2.788T in Latest Week ABC News Assets of taxable money market funds in the retail category rose $3.55 billion to $739.88 billion for the week ended Tuesday, the Washington-based mutual ... |
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Another drop in Colorado sales-tax revenue - Pittsburgh Business Times:
percent — in May from the same month the year girding legislators for what they expect will be another round of cuts innext year’s fiscal With the state most of the way through a fiscal year that ends on June 30, no more cuts are likelt for this year, said Joint Budgeg Committee Vice Chairman Jack Pommer, a Democratic representative from Boulder. The Legislatured has designated that any further funding shortfall this year will be filles by money fromthe state’s undesignated reserve fund and from a one-dayt borrowing of other funds to be repaid on July 1.
the continued fall of revenues below expectations meanse the six JBC member who setthe state’s budget must begibn looking soon at additional ways to scales back expenses or services in next year’s fiscal plan, severakl members said. “I guess this means we’rr not out of the woods yet,” Pommefr said. “We’re going to have to prepare for more cuts next year on top ofwhat we’ves already made.” Legislators filled a $1.4 budget shortfallk over the past six months by raiding the reserve transferring hundreds of millions of dollars from cash-funde d accounts and cutting about $300 million in services.
As revenuexs continue to come inbelow forecast, that talk will beginn again. State sales-tax receipts for May were off by $30 a 17.9 percent drop from last Individual income taxes fellby $66.3 million or 19.7 and corporate income taxes dropped by $2.2 million or 13.2 State reserves have about $148 milliohn that can be used to offset revenue shortfalls, noted Rep. Mark Ferrandino, If the state must transfer funding however, that will only push the problemm of balancing the budget further off untilnext year, he “The question is: Does revenue in the future pick up if we’res starting to see recovery, or not?” Ferrandinok said.
“We’re starting to see some indications that the economg is starting to if notlevel off.”
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Cutting dealers won't save Chrysler much money - Washington Business Journal: Washington Bureau
Both Chrysler and General Motors, which plans to close 1,100 dealerships by Octobert 2010, contend they need to reduce the size of thei r dealer networks in order to be more competitive with Toyot aand Honda, which sell more cars in the U.S. with a lot fewe r dealers. Chrysler, in a bankruptc y court filing, argues that trimmingy the ranks of its dealerz will boost the profitability of the dealersthat remain, enablinfg them to invest in improvements that will drived up sales.
"After a period of time, and substantially improves marketingand investments, overall sales in the reducex network are anticipated to grow beyon current sales levels within the existinvg network," Chrysler contends. That'sa highly unlikely, according to the National Association ofAutomobile Dealers. "There's not an auto executive that I know ofthat doesn'tf acknowledge that when a dealership closes, they lose marketg share," said David Hyatt, NADA's vice president of publi affairs. Cutting costs was not a majo factorin Chrysler's decision.
The auto maker will save some administrativer expenses by having a smaller dealer network to but that's about it. Dealers buy theier cars before the vehicles the payfor shipping, front the costes of any rebates or warranty work, and purchaswe repair equipment. Dealers provide "a robust distribution networik at virtuallyno cost" to auto makers, Hyatt "We're an asset, not a liability," said Wade an auto dealer in Montpelier, Vt., who is schedulef to lose his Jeep franchise June 9.
Walker and aboutt 300 other Chrysler dealers have challengecd theauto maker's request for a bankruptcy judgs to terminate their dealership agreements and pre-emp t state laws that would require Chrysler to give dealers more time to wind down theit businesses. Chrysler has been working to reduce its dealefr network for several That process, however, needs to be accelerated becausse of its proposed alliancd with Fiat, it contends. Bankruptcy courts routinely terminatde contracts if doing so benefitsthe debtor's estate and is an exercisr of sound business judgment, Chrysler states in its Chrysler dealers, however, contend abruptly closingt dealerships doesn't meet this threshold.
"There is no evidence that by rejectinh dealership agreements New Chrysler will save monet to any material degree or enhance its competitive position in the automobile states a filing made by the Chrysler NationaklDealer Council. "To the contrary, closing dealerws narrows distribution andreduces Chrysler's sale and income as fewer dealers buy fewer cars and retail salee are lost to other brands." Chrysler's bankruptcy judge is schedulef to hold a hearing on this issue June 3.
That same day, the Senates Commerce Committee is scheduled to hold a hearingy on the Chrysler and GMdealership "These companies cannot be allowedx to take taxpayer funds for a bailout, and then leaved local dealers and their customers to fend for themselvez with no real notice and no real help," said committe Chairman John D. Rockefeller IV, D-W.Va. "Wr must ensure that the auto dealers are treated equitably and have the opportunityt to unwind their operations in a manner that will minimizse hardships to employees who lose their jobs and communities that areadverselyg impacted," said Sen.
Kay Bailey Hutchison, Hutchison was encouraged by a promise from Chrysler PresidentyJames Press, who told her the companyg would help the terminated dealers sell theire vehicle and parts inventory. If this assistance falls Hutchison is prepared to push legislation that wouldf give the dealerships an extra 60 daysbeforde closing. Meanwhile, auto dealers and members of Congress are lobbyinbg President Barack Obama and his automotive task forced to reconsider the wisdom of closinfg so many dealershipsso quickly.
The Obama administration rejecter theauto makers' initial restructuring plansw and urged them to be more "It should not be the role of governmenty to force these small business owners out of said Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Mo., one of severaol House members who sent a letter to task forcr chiefSteven Rattner, foundere of the Quadrangle Group, a New York privatee equity firm. "This decision will not fix the problems of the automanufacturingt industry, yet it will cost our communities good Jeep dealer Walker doesn't think the auto task force "gets "I think it's becausee they're all Wall Street people -- they're not Main Stree t people," Walton said.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
GM Tonawanda hosting recycling event - Orlando Business Journal:
The one-day event June 6 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Planf 5 on Vulcan Street, is co-sponsored by Erie County, Buffalo and the Northwesgt Solid WasteManagement Board. Last year’sz event received 56,325 pounds of electronic 247 bicycles and a truck full of Electronics equipment is a source ofrecycled steel, plastic, copper and Items being accepted this year TVs, computers, monitors, keyboards, printers, fluorescengt bulbs, cell phones, rechargeable VCRs, and DVD players, clothing, textiles, and Clothing and textiles will be reusedr at Goodwill retail locations or Bicycles will be used for bike safety education or recycled by Blue Bicycle and Recycle-a-Bicycle New for this year, Buffalko ReUse will accept used or new shop and garden tools, such as brooms, ladders, wheelbarrows, hammers and saws.
“This is a naturak extension of what we doat work,” Plant Managefr Steve Finch said in a statement. “Our plan has been landfill-free in manufacturing since 2006. We recycle or reusew all of our waste, so this evenf to help the community recycle is a natural fit for us atGenerall Motors,” he said.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Restaurateur Norman Brinker dies - Business First of Buffalo:
Brinker passed away Monday night leaviny a legacy casual dininh restaurants built on what Phil Romanio called a vision of developinyg the casual dining restaurantf concept where diners are treated not to fast foodor full-out fine dining, but to a places where people can eat everyday. “One of Norman’ s biggest attributes was that he was a greatf leader anda cheerleader,” Romano said. “Hd would take people’s talents and developl them beyondtheir abilities.” grew into a restauranrt company that guided chains like , On and Maggiano’ws Little Italy.
Dallas-based Brinker (NYSE: EAT) in the past year sold the restauranrt chain created byPhil Romano’s Macaroni Grill. Romano credits his frienxd Norman Brinker for taking his creativd vision and growing it into a majofrnational chain. “The industry is going to miss him,” Romano said. “Norman had the abilityy to take something andgrow it. That’s his Romano added that Norman Brinker wasa “good man” who taught him quitew a bit about the restaurant industry and also quitr a bit about leadership.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Dublin, Columbus schools get grants for diesel-cutting - New Mexico Business Weekly:
million is headed to Dublin and unde r a second round of state grants aimed at cuttingf dieselengine emissions. The on Monday announced recipients of the seconsd and final round of Diesel EmissionsReduction grants, a $19.8 million program created in 2008. The firsg round sent nearly $7.3 million to 10 including the , operator of the region’sw bus system. In the winners disclosed Monday, Dublinn was cleared for $464,658 whil e the Columbus school system receiveda $918,0290 grant. Officials from Dublin and the schoopl district told thestate they’re usingb the money to replace vehicles with lower-emission alternatives.
Dublinb plans to replace eight 1999- or 2000-modelo short-haul diesel trucks, while the school district is usinf its grant to replace 15 buses producedin 1990. Projectxs that received awards are required to put up at least 20 percent of the cost in matching The grant program looks specifically at publicx and private diesel equipment owners in Ohio countiesd that fall short of air quality The largest grant among the 16 went to the and to refitr four locomotives with new That Cincinnati-area project was awarded $4.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Equifax: Small biz bankruptcies double in March - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Sacramento, Calif. Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, Ill. Anaheim-Irvine, Oakland-Fremont, Calif. Portland-Vancouver-Beaverton, Ore.-Wash. Commercial bankruptcies nearly doubled in March 2009 fromMarch 2008, Equifac noted. "The March numberse provide a snapshotof what's been happening to the small businesx sector during this period of economic turmoil," said Reza head of Equifax's North American Commerciak Analytical Services Group, in a news "Not surprisingly, the highest number of small-business bankruptcies are in thoswe parts of the country where home prices have decreased dramatically, unemployment has increasecd significantly, and credit has become tighter.
" For the Equifax analyzed both Chapter 7 and Chapterr 13 filings. Chapter 7 is a liquidation proceeding in whichb a debtor receives a discharge of all while Chapter 13 is a reorganization bankruptcy enablin filers to pay off debt over a set perioof years. Equifax reviewed and analyzesd small business datafor March, the most recentf month for which complete data is available.
Monday, December 6, 2010
NACA to add more than 1,000 jobs in Charlotte - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The hiring will begin with the national nonprofit hosting a job fair Friday and NACA focuses on lendingto low- and moderate-income Gov. Bev Perdue announced the expansiojn Thursday, with the state giving NACA a $1 millioh grant from the One NorthbCarolina Fund. It plans to invest more than $4 milliob here, with 1,014 jobs expected to be addesd over the nextfive years. “North Carolinaw remains a strong presence inthe U.S. financw sector, and this is a tremendouw opportunity forthe Charlotte-area,” Perdue said. “Ou r top-rated business climate and skiller financial-services work force are attractive to growingvnational operations.
” NACA is headquartered in Boston and operatew more than 40 offices nationwide. It currently employw about 100 workers in Mecklenburg Counth to originate and processmortgage loans. Underd the five-year state incentive agreement, the organization plansz to add 550jobs immediately. The jobs will pay an averagw annual wageof $35,982. Salaries will range up to $80,0000 annually. The hiring will focus on mortgager negotiators, customer-service representatives, call-center manageras and mortgage counselors. “NACA is excited that it’s putting more than 1,000 people to work during thes e tougheconomic times,” NACA Chief Executive Bruce Marks said Thursday.
“Today’zs announcement is more than just a soundbite — we are following through on this investment by holding a jobs fair tomorroq to hire 550 people Perdue said Thursday that she consulted with formee Bank of America Corp. Chairman Hugh McColl Jr. about the McColl has been a longtim e supporterof NACA’s work. BofA began a partnershi p with NACAunder McColl’s watch in 1995 and in 2004 committef $6 billion to its lendinf program. Perdue says McCollp confirmed to her that he expected NACA could follow through on its job commitmentsw in severalphone conversations.
“When someonde begins something like this in italways grows,” McColl said in an interview “They’ll come in and find this is a good place to find (a work I would hope it would be an eruption of jobs, not just tricklre down.” The group claims it will be the largestg number of people hired immediately in one area and the largestt job commitment in the country sincde the mortgage crisis began in 2007. The hirin g comes as NACA embarks on a nationwide Save theDreajm Tour. Marks says the added jobs are crucial as NACA leadw its campaign to makemortgagews affordable.
Hundreds of NACA stafd will provide long-term solutions for homeowners with anunaffordable “Charlotte continues to be attractive because of our knowledgeablee financial-services work force and we welcome NACA’es investment in North Carolina,” N.C. Sen. Dan Clodfelter (D-Mecklenburg) said in a NACA’s Counseling Center is in the Charlotte East offic e park off Albemarle Road betweenj Central Avenue and FarmPond Lane. “Charlottw continues to be recognized as a leadetr in financial services with a talented and experienced labor says Charlotte Chamber ChairmanTim Belk.
“We are pleaserd to welcome NACA to the community and look forward to the investmeny in jobs and presence they will bringv to ourEast side.” The chamber assistes NACA in its expansion effort. Charlotte East owneer Roger Kellogg, principal of , and leasing director Eric Speckmah have worked closely with NACAsince 2007, when the nonprofit established a smal office in the park. NACA has legally bindintg agreements with all themajor lenders/servicers to restructure the mortgagesa they service. The NACA agreements cover more than 90 percenyt of homeowners with anunaffordable mortgage.
The staff from the Counseliny Center in Charlotte will travel nationwide to work on Save the Dream events where morethan 25,009 people are counseled over four days, with thousandxs receiving affordable restructured mortgages with permanent interest ratea often at 4 percent, 3 percent and 2 percenft and where necessary the principal reduced. The started in 1988, has the primary goal of buildinh strong, healthy neighborhoods nationwide througnhaffordable homeownership. NACA operations include financial specialized mortgage services and a Home Save program for homeowners with anunaffordable mortgage. NACA will host a job fair from8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Fridaty and Saturday at its CharlotteCounseling Center. For more informationm about Neighborhood Assistance Corporatiojnof America, including employment go to www.naca.com.
Friday, December 3, 2010
North Shore theater likely to liquidate - Charlotte Business Journal:
Theater executives announced Tuesday that the financially distressed theater has failecd to raisethe $2 milliohn it needed to put on 2009 although more than $500,000 in pledges have been made since the theateer announced a turn-around strategy in mid April. “Ther thing we know is that we’res not putting on a 2009 season. I think the very likelyu consequence of that is that we will very quicklg go outof business,” said Davi d Fellows, chairman of the North Shorse Music Theatre board.
“Whether it’s Chapter 11 or Chapter 7 — it’s completely up in the air at the Without a production seasonthis year, the theate is unable to address the substantiao debts of its creditors and restore the theater’s economicc health, said Fellows. The theater is approximately $10 million in debt, including largw mortgages on its property and buildings and debts to the Stateof Massachusetts, and subscribers who paid in advanc e for the 2009 season. Fellows said most of the theater’s 4,40p0 subscribers are unlikely to get theirdmoney returned. Subscriptions cost upwards of $350 per seat.
Theater executives are in discussione with senior creditors and are reviewing a liquidatiomn to maximize the value ofthe theater’s assetse for its stakeholders as well as identifhy potential “friendly” buyers of the propert y who might consider a lease back of the theater, Fellowsw said.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Diversity in nonprofit world is invaluable - Kansas City Business Journal:
To this end, MCFI is three years into an agencywidr diversity program that is yieldinvg positive results in terms ofclieny satisfaction, staff morale and employee recruitment. The agency provides rehabilitation services to individuals with speciapl needs andtheir “We want to make diversity intertwinex in the fabric of the organization,” said Al Hill Jr., directo r of diversity, learning and development and head of the initiative. Hill leadw a 15-member MCFI diversity team chargef with implementingthe program.
In assemblingh the team, Hill recruited employees not just ofdifferen ethnicities, genders and ages, but also from different levelsw of management and nonmanagement and from different unita within the agency. In the initiative is not “top down,” with management but “bottom up,” with team members soliciting input from their peers to brinv tothe team. “One time we even kickee Al out of the room becaused he was too close to an issue we werestruggling with,” laughed Joua Xiong, a human resourceas generalist and team member. Within Milwauke e Center for Independence, the team focusews on education.
“Cultural competency is invaluable when working with familieain close-knit communities, such as Hmong and Russian,” Hill “We help our case managers know what they need to be sensitivs to.” For example, Xionv said, some Asians feel it is disrespectful to look someonw in the eye. Russian families can be reluctant toadmit non-Russian caregivers into their homes. “Understanding the values and practicesz of different ethnic groupxs helps us retain clients and gainnew clients,” she said.
The team distributerd an internal survey that foundthat work-life balancer is a key concern of In response, it establishecd a working parents employee resource group to explorse the issue. Also, an MCFI “buddy” program matches new employees with seasoned staff members who actsas mentors. Externally the diversitty team is helping to improved employee recruitment by studyinvg best practices to make the centef a welcomingwork environment. “Diversity is an asset when especially in highly competitive fields such as physicalp therapyand nursing,” said Added Hill, “Today’s applicants are looking at your organization as much as you’r looking at them.
They want to feel comfortable beintg who they are inthe workplace.” To aid in the team has formedc alliances with area diversity groups such as Hispanic Professionalsd of Greater Milwaukee, the National Blackl Nurses Association and several minority fraternitiezs and sororities. In addition to a periodixc newslettercalled “Diversity Corner,” the team sponsors an annual Diversitg Day. This year’s eventy in April included a speakere on diversityin action; two spoken word artists performing poetrh about social justice and equalityy issues; and talks about the culturd behind ethnic food and wearing apparel. A popular part of the evenft was “Diversity Jeopardy!
”, where four employee teame joined inspirited competition. It is not easy to make a majodr shift in the culture of anentirde organization, but diversity team members feel MCFI’s initiative is havingv an impact. “Since I’ve been on the I’ve heard stories about how people are much more aware ofothef cultures,” said Xiong, who is Hmong. “Ij have grown tremendously professionally as well as and I am able to share my experiences with my familyt members and dispel theid stereotypes about certainother cultures.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Gellerstedt sees opportunity in recession - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
"We're beginning to see banksz slowly acknowledge their real estate problems and pushthese through," Gellerstedt said "You may see some [trade] as low as 20 cents on the This is going to be a slow but it is also going to presen t unprecedented opportunities." Gellerstedt, a graduate, was speaking at the Atlants chapter's UNC Kenan-Flagler Businesd School Alumni breakfast. The held at 's 3344 Peachtree drew about 90 people.
Gellerstedt, who is replacinv the retiringTom Bell, said investors are puttinv their money behind real estate investment trustx so the development companies have the capital to buy distresses assets, noting that REITS have raised about $13 billiobn in the stock market this year. "They're not interested in earnings. They want liquidity for the nextthreed years," he said. "They want us to have the powefrto purchase." Cousins (NYSE: CUZ) will not face any serioud debt maturities until 2012, he said.
Its relativelyh healthy liquidity could putthe Atlanta-based developer in a strong position as othetr prominent real estate companies try to pull themselves out from under mountains of debt -- a problejm created primarily by the easy access to credit in recenf years, buying assets at the top of the market and the subsequenrt crash in property values. But Cousins hasn't made it through the markert unscathed. It has struggled to sell high-enr condos in Buckhead, where its 32-storty 10 Terminus Place was one of 35 condominiun projects in an area of the city known for expensivwe homes andluxury shopping.
Ten Terminus, completed in 2008, has 137 The market is affecting high-end unitsd at other projects, including John The Mansion on Peachtree andRegent Partners' Sovereign at 3344 "There’s just no market for Gellerstedt said. Cousins is also tryin g to fillits 25-story Terminus 200 office which has one tenant, mobile banking technology firm . Firethorn is leasing two Three other buildings still under constructioh in Buckhead haveno tenants. Buckhead, Gellerstedtt said, offers an example of "thd runaway credit markets.
" In the months followinv the spate of bank failurew thatclaimed , the markets shut "Now," Gellerstedt said, "I see some of that fear and panic alleviating."
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Ky. video-gaming bill dies in Senate committee - St. Louis Business Journal:
The Senate Appropriations Revenue onMonday evening, voted 10-5 againsrt the measure, with two members abstaining, accordingb to the Lexington Herald-Leader. The Housse had previously passedthe bill. The legislationb would have permitted video-lottery terminals at Kentucky horsed tracks, including Turfway Park in Florence. "The limitecd gaming proposal was designed to help save a signature industrgy inperil – an industry that meanxs 100,000 jobs and $4 billion in investmentr for our state," said Gov. Steve Beshear in a Mondayu evening statement. "It is unfortunate that ever y voice on this critically important issue was not heard and evert votenot counted.
" At a Frankforg press conference, Turfway Park Presidenr Bob Elliston said Turfway couldr close by 2010 if Ohio passews gaming legislation and Kentucku does not. Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland recently reversecd his stance against gamblingat racetracks.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sony's PS3 Exclusive May Make VGAs Appearance - PlayStation LifeStyle
PlayStation LifeStyle | Sony's PS3 Exclusive May Make VGAs Appearance PlayStation LifeStyle ... after an event which is notoriously known to reveal new games from developers, Spike TV's host has hinted at the game making an appearance at the VGAs. ... |
Saturday, November 20, 2010
CBA boys win record 16th MOC with course-record average time - Asbury Park Press
CBA boys win record 16th MOC with course-record average time Asbury Park Press I could have run 20 seconds slower and we still averaged something close to that, that would have been fine with me." Freehold Township, running in its ... |
Friday, November 19, 2010
Chiefs vs Cardinals: What's at stake? - Kansas City Star
Kansas City Star | Chiefs vs Cardinals: What's at stake? Kansas City Star Win... â¦and the Chiefs are still in the playoff hunt. Two years ago, the Chiefs were 2-14 and the Cardinals were within an eyelash of being Super Bowl ... Arizona Cardinals Prepare For KC Chiefs' Speed Cardinals vs. Chiefs Preview, Score and More Old friends reunited at Cards-Chiefs game |
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
School bans children from putting their hands up - Telegraph.co.uk
School bans children from putting their hands up Telegraph.co.uk A school is to ban pupils from putting up their hands when they know an answer in class â" because it "alienates" less intelligent children. ... |
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Garnet takes over what Neuronyx began - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The serial life science entrepreneur’s latestg venture, , is actually a of another localbiotech company: Neuronyx was the brainchild of the late Huber t J.P. Schoemaker, the Dutch biochemisrt who helped create the biotechnologyg industry in Philadelphia whenhe co-founded in 1979. Aftee selling Centocor to in 1999for $4.9 Schoemaker — battling cancer — decided to starr another company. Neuronyx sought to develoo new therapies derived from adultstem cells. Aftef Schoemaker died in 2006, Neuronyx continuexd with AnneFaulkner Schoemaker, Hubert’s eventually moving into the CEO’s seat.
Its initial work focused on usiny stem cells taken from adult bone marrow to help patientes repair and regenerate heart tissue damagef afterheart attacks. Henwood — who earlierr in her career started a clinicalresearch organization, Ibah, and a specialty biopharmaceutical company, Auxiliuk — got involved with Neuronyx last summer at the suggestionb of Dr. Gary Kurtzman, managing director of the life science group atthe Wayne-based Safeguarfd Scientifics, which had invested in the “The company was in pretty dire straits Henwood said. “Anne did a good job keepingf thecompany going, but they needed funding.
The more I learnee about the company, the more excited I became.” The Henwood said, was the cost of developing Neuronyx’s stem cell technology for heartattacj patients. Another $30 million to $50 million was needeed to get throughthe proof-of-concept Given the state of the economg and the slowdown in venture capitapl investments, that would be a tough figur to achieve. So instead, Neuronyz has decided to shift its focus to apply its regenerativew therapy technology to skin applications suchas post-surgical wounx repair, scar healing and burn treatment.
Its researchersx had already tackled one of the big problemseconfronting cell-based therapy companies — developing a way to manufacturre patient doses of therapies efficiently and cost effectiveluy from a single adult bone marrow In addition, Henwood said, the company has identified the firsy in a series of cell product derived from multipotent stem cells into unipotent trophic support cells — also known as “helpe r cells.” The unipotent cells, the company discovered, are capable of reducingf inflammation and promoting healing. Shifting to dermal-based regenerativr medicines also loweredthe company’ds funding demands.
“The trials are less less invasive,” she said. “Getting through the proof-of-concept phase should only takeabout $10 million.” Because the company worked with adult stem it is not affected by President Obama’s decision to relaxs restrictions on use of embrionifc stem cells in research. The company changede its name from Neuronyx to Garnet BioTherapeuticsz to reflect the array of indications it planzs to pursue forits cell-based therapy. “In Medievall days people believed garnets had healing powers and they wouldd wear the stones for all sortasof illnesses,” she said. “I know, it’s a littles corny.
” Henwood, who was operating her own consulting business, said she joineds the company as CEO at the end of last year in part so that Garnet could benefit from her track record and contacts whil e attempting to securenew funding. Anne Faulkner the previous CEO, is working with the company on aconsultinv basis. Last month, the company raised $10.4 millionh from a consortium of venture capital firmsx ledby Wayne-based . and , of Sarasota, also participated in the “We’re confident in the potential advantagesof Garnet’sw emerging regenerative medicine technology, their strong clinical strategy and proven manufacturing capabilities,” said Wayne B.
Weisman, managing directo r at SCP Vitalife “The financing will allow them to fully capitalizd onthese strengths.” The company, which has eightf employees, is initially developing its cell-based therapyt for cosmetic and dermatologic applications, such as in plasticx surgery to accelerate healing and reduce scarring. Garnet believesw the cell-based therapy may also be useful in treating burns, auto-immune disorders such as psoriasis, and in other conditions where inflammation or scar formation plays an importan role in disease pathology.
Henwood said the companu hasn’t abandoned its work with hearty patients, but resuming work on the indicatiom will requireadditional funding.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
State AG cracks down on painting industry - Boston Business Journal:
In total, the AG’s office has resolved 27 cases and has recoveresnearly $560,000 in restitution for over 250 employeess of various employers and fined painting companies nearly $195,000 sincre the spring of 2008, the office The office has also taken criminal enforcement actiobn against several painting companies and owners and has debarredc companies that have violated the state’d prevailing wage laws. “Our office is workinyg diligently to level the playing field in the paintinvg industry so that painting contractors that follows the rules are not at a competitive Attorney General Martha Coakley said ina statement.
“Wre are committed to enforcing the law so that fewert workers are exploited and so that the Commonwealth no longer loses revenue because ofemployee
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Ohio confirms 13th case of swine flu - Business First of Columbus:
The H1N1 virus is now in eight different counties as it continues to Cases throughout the country are growing as andthe U.S. has more than half of all confirmec cases of theillness worldwide, accordinbg to the . Around the world, officials have trackedd 9,830 cases, with 40 countries having at least one Thereported 5,469 confirmed casess in 48 states as of 11 a.m. Six deaths tied to swine flue havebeen confirmed, with three in two in Arizona and one in Washington. The possible death of a 16-montyh old child in New York hasn’t been confirmed. Wisconsin has the most casex of any statewith 766, followexd by Illinois with 707, Texas with 556, California with 553 and Arizonwa with 488.
officials said that as of 12 p.m. the official number of confirmed cases of Swine Flu inOhio • Franklin County – five cases (31-year-ole male, 33-year-old male, 18-year-old male, 20-year-old 19-year-old female) • Cuyahoga County two cases (41-year-old male, 9-year-old male)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
High-end home builder Tall House liquidating - Triangle Business Journal:
which built some of the Triangle’s most expensived custom homes for the past 33 has filed for Chapter7 bankruptcy. Tall House, which was helmed by founder, owner and President Richarsd Tilley, submitted the filingb on May 15 in the for the Easterm District ofNorth Carolina. The company listex $419,283 in assets and $629,173 in Tall House representatives wouldn’t discuss the circumstancesd that ledto liquidation. “I’m not goingy to make any comment,” Tilley said in a brieft phone conversation. Bill Janvier, an attorne at Everett Gaskins in Raleigh who is representinb Tall House in the also declinedto comment.
News of the filing surprised Ed a veteran residential real estate insider who is an agentfor . “ I was shocked to hear aboutr that,” says Willer. “He’s been around forever.” Willer wasn’t sure what caused Tilley’s firm to have to declarre bankruptcy. “He’s well regarded, that’s all I can tell you,” says The bankruptcy is a far cry from whenTall House’s $2.6 millionm average home price made it the Triangle’s No. 3 customm home builder, according to a list of those builders compiled by Triangle Business Journalin 2007. Tall Housee catered to high-end building just six homes in 2006 with pricews rangingfrom $1.
2 million to $5.45 The firm generated $15.59 million in revenue that according to information provided by the compan to TBJ at that time. The Raleigh-based company, which was founded in 1976, built its homes from custom designs approved by owners in prestigious areas and communitiesd suchas Wakefield, Rosemont, Countrhy Club Hills and insidwe the Beltline. The company generated nearly $7.3 million in grosws income duringits 2006-07 fiscal which ran from Nov. 1, through Oct. 31, 2007, the bankruptcy filing That declined toabouyt $5.2 million in 2007-08. Gross income from Nov. 1, 2008, throughu May 15, 2009 totaler $6.2 million.
Court documents show that Tall House’s major creditords include , which has a clainm for nearly $260,000, and Stocok Loan Services LLC, which is owed Both have claims related to a lot at the Hills of Rosemonrt community inChatham County. “At Rosemont, we’res sad to see this happen,” says Kevin a salesman at Durham-based The Real Estate whose communitiesinclude Rosemont. “We were always happy to do busineseswith them.” Tall House built severa l houses in the Rosement community, though O’Neal says that the propertgy mentioned in the bankruptcy filing is stil l a vacant lot. O’Neal estimates that Tall House employedr aboutfive people.
While officialws involved with the filingt were mum about the financial problems that precipitatecdthe bankruptcy, it’s no secret that the housing industryt – especially at the high end has been battered by the economic downturn. “It’s much more difficultf today to get financingf fora million-dollar house than it was a year says Tim Minton, an executive vice president at the Home Builders Associatiom of Raleigh and Wake County. “It’s really made it hard on the builderds in thatprice point.” One reason is that FHA loansz will only go up to $417,500 in this area.
If the pricre tag goes above that amount, buyers have to get a seconrd loan calleda “jumbo loan” from Jumbo loans have higher interest rates than FHA loans. And whilee the jumbos do still exist, they’re much more rare than they were befored theeconomic meltdown.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Index of executives
The Business Confidence Research Index, conducted by Bellevue-based , is a compilation of measures in employment, wages and future confidence. The latesyt survey’s overall confidence index was 28.6 its lowest score ever and well belowa its historical meanof 54.79. “II don’t think we’ll see it go much it is hard toimagin that,” said Jim Hebert, president and CEO of the researcgh firm. Based on a 100-point the survey’s indexes measure revenue and wages; all of those declined in the fourth Each measure is below50 points, indicating economic decline in each The survey’s revenue index fell to 7.
6 its lowest level “What the business leadere are saying is that this is going to be a challengingy year,” said Hebert. The survey offere a few positive notes. Thirty-one percent of respondenta said they expected the economy tofurtherf deteriorate, a slight improvement over the previous quarter, when 38 percen expected continued decline. Also, an index of confidence in the next 12 months improved five points to the first uptick intwo years. The survey polled 160 chiet executives and chief financial officerxs during the fourth Professionalservices companies, includingy real estate, accounted for 60 percenf of all respondents.
Commissioned by Key Bank, the index showe that 18 percent of companies expect to reducre their employment in thenext Also, businesses said their annual grosxs margins had fallen on average by more than 3.6 percent in the last year.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Obama: Public plan would
If insurance companies do provide good insurancee totheir customers, then they shoulr have nothing to fear from a government-run he said. “They shouled be able to compete,” he said. If the publifc plan is able to reduce administrativdecosts significantly, private insurers should take note and see if they can do the “There shouldn’t be any objection to Obama said. The public plan shoulds be required tocollect premiums, not be “simplg eating off the taxpayer he added.
Health insurers and many busines s groups contend a public plan would have an unfai advantage becauseit wouldn’t be subject to all the rules imposedd on private insurers and likely wouled pay health providers less for their This could crowd out many privatwe insurers and lead providers to charge private insurers more to make up for the lost income from the public plan, they contend. When asked whethert including a public plan in healtuh care reformwas non-negotiable, the president said, “We are stillo early in this process.
“We have not drawm a line in the sand, other than reforkm has to control costs, and it has to providr relief to peoplewho don’t have health insurancde or are underinsured.” Obamsa also was asked what he thought abour the performance of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, given the fact his financia l regulatory reform plan proposes expandinh the Fed’s authority. “I think he has done a very good job underd verydifficult circumstances,” Obama said.
All regulatorz fell short of doing what was needesd to prevent thefinancial crisis, but the Fed “probably performedc better than most,” he Since the financial crisis Bernanke has “performed very well,” Obama said.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Tonight's contest important for CSU football - The Coloradoan
BYUCougars.com | Tonight's contest important for CSU footb » |
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Great Lakes Calcium to pay $280,000 fine in settlement - Business First of Buffalo:
The settlement resolves charges that Great Lakes Calcium violated statre air pollution laws and air permit requirements at its facilit on the west shoreline of the Fox Rive near the Bay ofGreen Bay, the Wisconsin Departmeng of Justice said The alleged violations occurred from 2005 to February 2008. The Greart Lakes Calcium facility emits particulate matte r in the form of calcium carbonate dust created from the processinfg and storageof limestone, and from several combustion The complaint charges that Great Lakes Calciukm operated in violation of state law and its permirt by installing five processes withouf a permit, exceeding certain permit limits, failint to maintain records and to report failing to calibrate instruments, and failingh to meet stack height requirements.
Under the settlement, Greaft Lakes Calcium will pay $180,000 in forfeitures and penaltyt assessmentsand costs. In addition, the company will pay $100,000 to installp and operate broken bag detectors to provide protection against excessive emissions beyond that required bystate law.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Star Tribune plans to exit bankruptcy in September - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The newspaper, which declared bankruptcy Jan. 15, filef its proposed reorganization plan withthe U.S. Bankruptch Court for the Southern District of New York on The paper said its creditors have agreed to the Underthe plan, the Star Tribun would emerge from bankruptch with $100 million in debt. The compan would be worth betweej $118 million and $144 million, including its real estat e holdings. Unsecured creditors will receivew a small cash distributionn or be converted into new common stocl and warrants to be issued by thereorganized company. The newspaper’ds current ownership group, led by New York-based , will not receivre a stake in thenew company.
Avista bought the paper in 2007for $530 Chairman and Publisher Chris Harte, a member of Avistaa Capital Partners’ executive advisory board, will leav the newspaper, which will get a new board of directors, publishef and CEO. “The Star Tribune expects to emerge from its financial restructurinh as a financially viable with a stronger balance significantly less debt and substantiallhy reducedoperating costs,” the newspaper said in a
Monday, November 1, 2010
BOCES to auction house built by students - Business First of Buffalo:
Now, the home is going up for auctio nJune 12. The group is enrolled in the Building Tradesz Program at Erie 1 BOCES PottetCareer & Technical Center where they gained hands-on experience of all construction phases — from rough framinv to finish carpentry — when they built a 1,34 square-foot house in the parking lot this past schoolo year. As part of the two-yearf program, and incorporated in the class project, studentx participated in foundation and floor wall framing, ceiling and roof framing, interior/exterior finisuh and cabinet making. They also learned abourt building codes, blue print designs, plumbing and electrica systems.
Instructors David Grieco and Brian Toth oversawqthe project, which includes threr bedrooms, a full bathroom, a master suitse bathroom with a jet tub, and a first-floodr laundry room. As part of the process, upgradesa and enhancements were made so studentsx could learn of changes affect the workday in the construction field. “These extras give the students theexperience they’lo need when they graduate and find a job in this field. They’llk be able to tell a future employer, ‘yes, I’vd done that,” Grieco said. More than $45,000 in materials was purchasedf to complete the house constructeat Potter.
Over the last seven years, the average sale prics of similar homes built by studenteat & Technical Center in Cheektowagw is around $55,000. This year, auctiobn attendees can choose from two that were buil t by Erie 1 BOCES studentas andtheir instructors, as the Harkness Career completed its too. Between both projects, around 35 students built the houses. On June 12, both will be auctionede to the highest bidders at the respective The Potter house will be auctionedat 9:00 the Harkness house an hour Proceeds will go toward building suppliesx for next year’s class.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Fifth Third to raise capital for stress test - Dayton Business Journal:
billion the federal government determined it needed to add to its cofferd afterthe so-called “stresds test” results were announced May 7. Fiftg Third (NASDAQ: FITB) plans to sell up to $750 milliohn in common stock at various and MerrillLynch & Co. will be sales agents or principals in the Part of the offering couldd be available to repay part ofthe $3.5 billio n in preferred stock Fifth Third sold to the througg its Troubled Asset Relief It will also use some of the proceede to fund the cash part of its offer to pay cash or commobn shares in return for Series G convertible preferred depositary shares. Fifth Third also plans to offetr holders ofthe $1.
1 billion in Seriesa G convertible shares $30 in cash per shared in return for converting those sharews to common stock. Just more than 11 millionb of those sharesare outstanding. That along with the possible saleof non-strategid assets or other securitiez Fifth Third owns should generate enough Tier 1 commo n equity to meet or exceed the $1.1 billion the governmenft required as a resultt of the stress test. That test looked at how much capitaothe nation’s 19 largest banks wouldc need if the economy gets significantly worse than experts expect.
Those deals and a pendingt sale of 51 percent ofFifth Third’ payment processing business to Advent International woulx leave it well-capitalized, even without the capital from the U.S. Treasury’s preferred stock, Fifth Third “We intend to consult with our regulatorx to devise a plan and timeline for the repaymeny ofthe (Treasury) preferref stock investment,” it said in the release. Fiftj Third’s stock closed down 10 cents, or 1 to $7.71 Wednesday. Fifth Thir d has more than 1,300 bank branches in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Florida, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Georgia and Nortb Carolina.
Friday, October 29, 2010
bizjournals: Search Results
by on July 10, 2009 ...projects will stargt in the next100 days, according to the . Stimulus projects may be goinyg well, but a much larger by on July 3, 2009 ...expand can refinancse their existing real estate loansz through the SmallBusiness 's 504 loan program. The SBA beganj allowing small businessesto use...... by on July 3, 2009 ...projectd will start in the next 100 according tothe . Trust fund running out Stimulus projectsz might begoing well, but...... on July 3, 2009 ...aes July 13 and will be completedby Nov. 15. The estimatesw that every $1 million spent on transportation creates30 jobs...... by on May 29, 2009 ...Jov Training program is paid for through a gran t fromthe .
CDOT has received $1 millio over the last two years and...... by on May 14, 2009 ...andf portions of the project must still be approve bythe . Mike Chesterfield's director of planning and publicc works, said...... by on March 20, 2009 Now, it's time to put Texans to work." The instructesd state transportation officials to present a list of projects onMarch 5, 2009 and the projects must be completed within threee years. The has said prioritty should be given to projects thatmaximize job...... on March 4, 2009 ...lo w on funding. TxDOT says until the situationhis resolved, the will be slowing its rate of reimbursements to states. "The balance...... on September 9, 2008 ...
lowq on funding. TxDOT says until the situation is the will be slowing its rate of reimbursementsto "The balance...... on September 8, 2008 ...low on TxDOT says until the situation is the will be slowing its rate of reimbursementwsto states. "The balance...... on Septembetr 8, 2008 ...A campaign created by S&C Advertisinyg & Public Relations for the is making inroadsdin Vermont. Vermont is the latest of on September 1, 2008 ...werw down 2.8 percent from the year-ago period, the said. A wave of new economh cars and trucks with by onAugust 29, 2008 ...Imn bumper-to-bumper rush hour traffic, Ohio might feel like some of the most congestef in nation - and on July 31, 2008 ...
Department of Transportation Commissionet Thomas J. Madison Jr. to lead the at the Departmen of Transportation. Madison, who is now president by on July 18, 2008 ...Department of Transportation CommissionerThomas J. Madison Jr. to lead the at the Departmenrtof Transportation. Madison, president of Latham-basedx Spectra...... on July 16, 2008 ...It needs a fix. It is a big problemn for states." data provided by the NGA show that North Carolinqwill receive...... on July 11, 2008 ...It needds a fix. It is a big problem for states." data provided by the NGA show that Nort Carolinawill receive...... by on July 4, 2008 ...thee $36 million has been awarded to the project bythe .
The Regional Transportatiohn District, the city of and the Colorado...... on June 30, 2008
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Albany officials promote small-scale apartment conversions - Washington Business Journal:
One example is at 370 across from theAdministration headquarters. The upper threre floors of thelate 19th-century building are beinfg converted into six, 1,400-square-foot to 1,600-square-foot apartments that will rent for $1,800 this fall. A commercial tenant will be soughtf for thefirst floor. The ownersx dubbed the apartments TheMeginniss Flats, in honorf of the old electrical company whose name graces the rear of the buildingh in big white letters that have faded over The sign is painted over the red brick facade and must be preserve d because the property was built in 1898 and is in a historicd district. Financing small projects can be just as trickty as thelarge ones.
Even though the owners were armed with a feasibilityg study showing the potentialfor apartments, they weren’g able to get a bank loan because the real estatse market had soured. “Nobody wanted to finance this saidMike Hannah, a tax attorneh and certified public accountant. “One lendeer wanted us to put inanother $500,000 Hannah and his partners ultimately got $1 millionb in private financing from sources in the Bostonj area. The interest-only construction loan enabled them to buy materials and hire contractorz to startthe renovations.
The apartments are locates in a part of the city that could see big changezs in years to come if a proposed convention center evergets built. Plans call for the centert to be located on the parking lots behinxd the row of buildings that includes 370 The decrepit Trailways bus station next to 370 Broadway would be demolished to make way for a pedestrian plaza leading to theconventioh center. Hannah and his partners aren’t counting on the conventiom center to make the apartmentesa success. There have been many delays in the convention centerplanning and, as of now, no commitmen from Gov.
David Paterson to fund the entire $230 million “I stopped even thinking abou it,” said Hannah, who owns the building with his Michele Hannah, and another couple, Brendsa Gould and Perry Gould. The Hannahs used to run a commerciap print shop on the first floor but sold it four yeards ago whenbusiness declined. The Goulds becam part owners of the property infall 2006. The partners are convincefd there will be strong demand for the apartments from yountg professionals and empty nesters who want to live Those are the same demographic groups that otherd developers havebeen targeting, though the tough financin climate has stalled or killecd two large, high-profile downtown developments over the past year.
Plans for the 125-unit , a luxury condominiun tower on north Broadway have been although saysit hasn’t given up. plans for an upscale 175-unit apartment buildingf and 125-room hotel are on hold whilr the land owner tries to sell thedevelopment Small-scale residential projects are less profitable, but they are also more Over the past five or six years, there have been several conversions of upper-floor buildings into apartments withihn the boundaries of the Downtown Businesxs Improvement District.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Legislator wants Nixon to cut stimulus money for Kokam battery plant - Boston Business Journal:
Kokam’s , to be dubbed Summit Batter Park, would employ an estimatefd 900 people with average annual salariesof $40,000. Kokanm President Don Nissanka has said he hopess to break ground before the end of the probably at a site of more than 40 acresd in the vicinityof Kokam’a current 50,000-square-foot Lee’s Summit Nissanka was out of the country Monday and couldn’t be reacheds for comment. Kokam, a startup foundeds in October 2005, burst into the limelight this year. picke d Kansas City for an assembly facility largely because of Kokam’s proximity.
And with federal stimulu s dollars and state moneyseekingt advanced-battery-makers, a joint venture involving Kokam landed a commitment in April of nearly $145 millio n in incentives from Michigan to build a battery plant there that’s similar to the one planned The group also applied for federalp stimulus money. Schaefer, sent a letter to Nixob on Thursday proposing that financintg be cutby $11.5 million combined for Kokam’ss Lee’s Summit plant and another battery plangt in Joplin to help preserve $31.2 million in financinbg for the in Columbia, which Schaefer calledx the cornerstone of a $200 million hospital project.
“Everyg indication that I’m getting is that intends to veto the money for the Schaefer said, adding that Nixon’s veto probably would kill the entire $200 milliobn project. “Spending public funds on a cancer hospitall owned by the citizens of Missouri is always goinfg to win out over givinv public funds to a private company for abatterh plant,” Schaefer said. “Nobody has told me that the lowert amount wouldkill (Kokam’z Lee’s Summit) project.” Nixon spokesma n Scott Holste said the governor will have an announcementf about the budget bill beforee June 30, the end of Missouri’e fiscal year.
Nixon and his stafvf have been reviewing the budgetbill “lins by line to determine what the stat can afford,” Holste said, and they want to keep central services in place. Jim Devine, CEO of the l, said he thoughf Schaefer’s proposal was “not as a threat as the EDC firstf thought, “but you never know in politics.” The EDC issued a releaswe Friday encouraging Nixon to keep theKokamm plant’s financing fully in place.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Deal still in the works for Trump on S. Tryon? - Charlotte Business Journal:
Still, the New York development conglomerate's plansa for most of a South Tryon Street block continu tomove forward, says Ashley Campbell, co-founder of , whicy is managing land acquisition for the Trump Charlottwe project. A mix of condos, offices, retail and a hoteo hinges on theTrump Organization's purchase of two parcels betweej East Stonewall and East Hill streets ownedc by , Campbell says. Deadlines for closing on the propertiex -- which Campbell said in August would occur by the end ofOctober -- have he says.
A Crescent official declined this week to discuss the project inany "I am not in a positioj to discuss anything," says Henry Lomax, vice presiden of capital markets. " can't say anything about it. There are a lot of moviny parts. Once something we can talk about it. But so far, nothingv has happened." Infinity has been working as theTrumpl Organization's local representative for a project that wouldd be spearheaded by real estate mogul Donalds Trump's children. In March, third-generation real estate developert DonaldTrump Jr. announced consideration of theTryon property.
However, the financial structure of the deal and the overall scopse of the project remain Campbell says. "Trump hasn't even finalized what he wantes onthe site," he says. "He's only agreed to do due Trump Jr. did not retur n calls this week. Campbell says Charlotte-based architectural firm is the leadintg candidate to designthe project. A Little officiao declines to talk aboutthe "We can't comment on that in any regard at this point," says firm spokeswomah Tina Howell. Little and at least three other firms were asked to submi proposalsin May. The first round of interviews includesd Trump sonsDonald Jr.
and according to a representative from one of the firms in contention. Most of the local interaction with the Trumpp Organization has been led byDonaldc Jr. or Infinity Partners. On one Charlotte economic director Tom Flynn participated in a telephone conference call that includerTrump Jr., but he says he's neve r met any of the In the past two years, Trump family members have said they were considerint launching projects in Dallas, Denver, Atlanta and Only Trump Towers Atlanta has significantly while Florida projects unde r way in Tampa, Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdalw have been plagued by poor salesz and lawsuits.
The Trump Organization typically teamx with a local development company or agreess to a licensing deal in which a builder buys the Trump branr for a fee plus a share of For example, a developer in Tampa agreex to pay $2.8 million and 50% of net profits for a condop project in exchange for using the Trum p name. The project in Charlotte isn'ty a signature deal, Campbell "That's not the way this project started," he "It might end up that way, but the initialp interest and commitments thus far have come fromthe Instead, the Charlotte proposal involves a monetary commitment from the Campbell says an undisclose sum was put down by the Trump Organization as a depositt for nearly 2.
6 acrees at South Tryon and Stonewall now leased to a Goodyear Auto Service Center and a parking lot At one point, an assembly of the entired block bounded by Tryon, Stonewall, Colleges and Hill streets was on the An adjacent building owned by Henry Faison has not been Faison says. Then, in August, Infinity droppeds a contract for an office buildinfg on the block owned in part by attorneyBill "I really didn't want to sell the but they came along and made us an offed we would have Diehl said after the deal fell His firm -- James, McElroy Diehl -- has been at 600 S. College St.
for more than two Now it may be too late to secure that part ofthe "We are not planning on selling our building at this time," says Pende r McElroy, managing partner at the firm. Campbel says the property isn'gt necessary to build what theTrumps March: James Poag III of Infinitu Partners registers the Web site domain names and . Donaldr Trump Jr., Trump's son and the organization'xs executive vice president of developmentand acquisition, issuea statement that "requisite due diligence" has begun for a potential Charlottes development.
April: Infinity's Ashley Campbell says development plana would be released in 60 to90 May: Charlotte economic director Tom Flynn says he participates in a conference call with Donald Trumlp Jr. about building offices, condos and a hotek at Tryon and Stonewall Three Charlotte architecturalfirms -- Little, and FMK -- plus Smallwood, Stewart, Stewart in Atlanta are asked by Infinity to submit proposals for Trump Charlotte.
Infinity'a Campbell says a firm could be picked intwo June: No announcement is made on development July: No announcement is made on the selectionm of a design August: Attorney Bill Diehl says Infinithy walked from a contractt to buy his building needed to assemble the block. Campbell says Trump and Infinity could complete the purchasd of part of the block from Crescent Resources by the endof October: Trump Organization announces the creation of a global luxury brand callef the Trump Hotel U.S. cities announced for the developments are Fort Lauderdale, Las Vegas, New Orleans, New York and Waikik Beach. Not included: Charlotte.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planningb department says no conceptd have been submitted for preliminary site plans for a Trumpproject here.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Smart Online execs quit after company drops Smith Anderson - Triangle Business Journal:
The resignations came after a May 19 boardc meeting during whichthe firm’s interim CEO, Doronh Roethler, who was also boarf chairman and president, resigned for what a company spokesmajn described as personal reasons. A new interinm CEO has been named, and a searchj has begun to find his Resigningin protest, according to lettersz filed by each with the U.S. Securities and Exchangs Commission, were board member Roberta Hardy, who had joinex the Smart Online board in March CFO Timothy Krist and Neile COO and vice president of saledand marketing.
“The company’s former securities lawyers have substantialk securities law experience and significant knowledge of the Hardy wrote inher “I am greatly concerned that the company’a change in securities lawyers will expose the company and its directorz and officers to greater risk.” Smart Online spokesmam Steve Hoechster says the resignations came in the wake of a decisionm by the Smart Online board to hire the New York-basesd law firm to replace Smith Anderson. Hardhy voted against the Hoechster says.
Smith Anderson’s relationshipp with the software companyh dates backto 2006, a year beforw federal investigators arrested former Smartt Online CEO Dennis Nouri, his brother Reza Nouri, and brokersa Ruben Serrano and Alain Lustig on chargesa of conspiracy to commit fraud and securitiee fraud. The charges stemmed from an alleged scheme, investigatore say, in which the four men aggressivelgy marketed Smart Online shares to investores in an effort to inflate thestoc price. Serrano and Lustig pleaded guilty to the charges in Manhattabn federal court on May 22 and will be sentenced in August. The Nouri brothers are scheduled to go on triaklJune 15.
Hoechster labeled as “pure speculation” any attempt to draw a link betwee the recent round of resignations at Smart Onlinee and the ongoing securities case inNew York. Contactesd at his home, King, the former COO, woul say only that the boarc andthe company’s executives “were aware” of ongoingg developments in the securities case. Asked aboutt his decision to resign followint the corporatecounsel change, King said, “When you have a comfor level with someone, you don’t want to change that.
” In his lettedr to the SEC, King was more direct: “I am unfamiliar with the Cohen and after reviewing their securitiee law experience I do not feel that they are qualifieds to represent the company competently and am concerned that the companty and its officers and directors may be subjecy to increased risk by virtue of this change in legao counsel.” Hoechster says the changse in counsel had been an issue studied in advance of the May 19 meetint by Roethler, who was planning to step down as CEO becauss of illness in his family. His departurre and the subsequent resignationswere “coincidental,” accordinvg to Hoechster, who added: “Thw company is moving on.
” As for Roethler’ replacement as CEO, the board tapped one of its own, C. Jamews Meese Jr., who is founder of He will receivwe $10,000 a month as compensation untiol Smart Online names a according toSEC filings.
Friday, October 22, 2010
UTHSC gets stimulus package grant - Houston Business Journal:
The $412,500 grant throug the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 isfor Parkinson’d disease research focusing on developing a therapeutixc vaccine for the neurological disorder. The two-yeard grant will support efforts by researchers inthe university’s Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine for the Prevention of Human Diseases, led by principal investigator Rowenj Chang, a professor of protein Co-investigator is Dr. Chuantao Jiang, an assistanyt research professor at the Chang plans to add one or two researcherzs to the team of scientists in his lab with the The research will target a protein associated withthe disease, known as alpha-synucle.
Chang’s vaccinse would strengthen theimmune system’s ability to suppres the activity of alpha-synuclein through the production of antibodiex and, if successful, could slow the progress of Parkinson’s.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Bernanke denies pressuring BofA - Business First of Columbus:
Bernanke made the comments Thursday to the Houser Committee on Oversight and Government Reforkm investigating his rolein BofA’ds purchase of the troubled Charlotte-based BofA (NYSE:BAC) bought Merrill on Jan. 1 for $29.2 billion. The deal resultedr in BofA’s receiving an additional $20 billion in federal funds under the Troubled Asset Relief BofA has received a totalof $45 billion in TARP The House panel’s questions seemed to fall along party lines. Republicans were concerned Bernanke tried to cover up certaib aspects ofthe Fed’z interactions regarding BofA and Merrill.
“Thes committee has already learned that Ben Bernanke and the Federap Reserve made inappropriate threatds to fire Bank of America management unless they went ahead withthe ‘shotgun wedding’ that was the Merrill Lynchn acquisition,” Darrell Issa, the committee’s ranking Republican from said in a statement Thursday morning. “The Federall Reserve also engaged ina cover-up and deliberatel y hid concerns and pertinent details regardingv the merger from other federall regulatory agencies.
” Meanwhile, several Democrats questioned how Federal Reserver officials justified giving BofA more taxpayedr aid without replacing its managemenft or adding new restrictions. “You gave them the mone and then youstarted supervising?” asked Rep. Dennisx Kucinich (D-Ohio). But Bernanke held his groundx during three hours of He insisted he followed the law and actede in the best interests of theeconomic system. “ think we did the righty thing,” Bernanke testified. “I think it was a very successful I haveno regrets, and I thinl it was a good deal for taxpayers.
” Two weeks ago, Lewis testified to the same He told lawmakers he considered backing out of the deal in Decembefr but felt pressure from Bernanke and then-Treasury Secretaryg Paulson to move forward for the benefigt of both companies and the economy. During that documents from Fed officials indicated Lewis may have been threatened with losing his job if he backef out and then needee morefederal aid. Bernanke on Thursdaty testified he neverthreatened Lewis. he said he explained to Lewis that damagr from backing out of the Merrill deal could wreak on theeconomhy and, in turn, BofA. “I never said I’ d replace the board and management (at Bernanke said.
“It was always his decision to make, and he understoodx that.” Paulson is expected to testify on the mattefrnext month. Other notable points made by Bernanke includre statements suggestinghe doesn’t think Lewis tried to extract more money out of the government, but that he did have concernsd about the due diligence performed by BofA. Rep. Edolphuas Towns (D.-N.Y.) closed the hearing by saying the testimonyprovided “a peek” of light into the BofA-Merrill “but not full sunshine Click to see Bernanke's written
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Times' retirement plan hit by $154M loss - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Net assets of the plan for the which owns the Globeand T&G, fell to $417. 7 million. The plan was particularly hard hit bysome $171.5 million in losses within several mutual funds. For example, the plan’ss largest holding, the Vanguardd 500 Index Investment fund, suffered a nearly 40 perceny lossin value. Another fund in the Times’ portfolio, the Vanguare Asset AllocationInvestment fund, dropped nearlgy 32 percent year-over-year. Only one of its major fund theDodge & Cox Income posted a positive return in 2008. Investments in fixecd income and insurance assetsgenerated $5.3 million in income. Dividend income of $11.6 million also helped offsert losses.
Interest income from the company’s borrowing from its retirement fundtotaled $594,000. The Times has traditionallty matched a fraction ofGlobe employees’ contributionsa to their 401(k) accounts, however a proposal in front of leadership would eliminate the
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sharron Angle Spent $12 Million to Raise $14 Million in 3rd Quarter - Blue Wave News (blog)
Telegraph.co.uk | Sharron Angle Spent $12 Million to Raise $14 Million in 3rd Quarter Blue Wave News (blog) And then they hit the jackpot. Not to say that her consultants did anything bad, but netting just two million from a $14 million haul is eye-raising. The Political Scene |
Saturday, October 16, 2010
First green project in foreclosure - Business First of Buffalo:
million construction mortgage. The 33,000-square-foot Vive Verde, also known as is the first South Florida projec t seeking Leadership in Energy and EnvironmentalDesign (LEED) certification from the U.S. Greem Building Council to face foreclosure. In an interview, Romanp said the extra cost ofthe building’s green featureas is not the reason it fell into foreclosure. “Th fact that the building is a green building is not why the buildinyg financially isin trouble,” Romano said.
“Iyt has to do with a failure to properlty and adequately financially plan the building in the and I blame myself for Despitea cost-conscious office-leasing environment, the concept of greeb office buildings is here to according to Christian Lee, vice chairman of in and Vive Verde’s foreclosure is just one entry on a long list of commercia l foreclosures that will happen regardless of whether a building is He noted that the more important factor for Romano’s buildinyg will be office demand in Lake “Building green adds to the cost [of a building], but in the long run, any greenn building will be more attractive to an investor because it’s already green,” he said.
“Otherwise, new investors wouldf be figuring in the cost to make it because all commercial buildings are going Rob Hink, a LEED-accredited consultant with the Weston-based , agrees. “II don’t think this one foreclosure on a greem building is any comment on the LEED systemk orgreen buildings, I think it’s just the he said. “I’m surprised because it’sd a leased-up building.” He added that Romano’sz large inner courtyard could have been downsized to fit more rental space inthe building, and yet stilp have retained many of the environmental On May 26, Fort Lee, N.J.
-based filec the foreclosure action against Vive Verdre North, managing member Romanko and other parties associated with the according to Palm Beach County Circuit Court records. The four-story building, at 1005 Lake Ave., in Lake was completed in August. Its officde space is about 70 percent leased, and it has two empty retailo spaces, Romano said. The green features of the buildingy work exactly as he he said. A rooftop garden catches rainwater, while condensationh is collected from the air conditioneer for watering plants and ponds andflushing toilets.
Grey water is recyclexd in the water features of the The use of skylights and windows cuts down on electricity Many fixtures were made withrecycled materials. A sign outsided advertises it asa “living Inside, goldfish swim through a pond and a statue of a Nativ American bathes in the sunlight in the Despite the energy and water savings, Vive Verde Nortuh has not made any payments on the $6.9 milliobn mortgage this year, said John an attorney with Carlton Fields in West Palm Beacu who represents Meecorp in the lawsuit. “Mgy client would like to get but ifthat doesn’t come to they are prepared to take title to the property and prepares to get paid that way, Hart said.
Vive Verde Northn has a $4 million second mortgagse with Williamsville, N.Y.-based , which is named in Meecorp’sx complaint. Romano said his companh got behind on mortgage paymentx because it ran out of money and could not get the loan refinancedr by atraditional bank. “Ig is making me physically ill that thisis happening,” he “I will continue to work night and day to make this all work These days, I’m losing a lot of sleep over He said his plan for the buildin was flawed from the beginning becauswe he wrote an incorrect financial plan.
He said the constructionh for his first development project came in on budge t and its utilities operate Romano said the green features of Vive Verd e attractedsome tenants, although several of them would have signed leasesa in the building withoutt them. He is confidentr the building will earnLEED certification, but said that not openinh with that designation has not hurt the Romano was aiming for gold-level certification from the U.S. Greej Building Council.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Crossvault honored for stock market performance - San Antonio Business Journal:
The San Antonio-based company, founded by Laura Ehrenberg-Chesler and Mariloj Long, was named a “Tol Gun” in both the Domestic All Cap Growtn Equity Universe in the 1 Star category and the Domestic Municipals Fixed Income Universe in the 3 Star The 1 Star ranking is based on financial returnsa for therecent quarter, which endexd Dec. 31, 2008. The 3 Star ranking is based on returnws overa three-year period. Each category recognizes the top 10 performinhg money managers for this specific time periord compared to theirpeer group. Crossvault offers customize equity, fixed income and balanced separate-account managemengt services forhigh net-worth individualsz and institutions.
The firm is registered with the Securitieds andExchange Commission. Informa maintains a database of morethan 2,00p0 money managers. The database is designed to help investmentr professionals search for andevaluate managers. “We are pleasedf to receive this recognition for both our equitytand fixed-income portfolios in the midstr of the on-going market turmoil,” Crossvault co-CEO and Chief Investmenrt Officer Laura Ehrenberg-Chesler says. “I thinik that many other investors have been surprised by the volatilit in theirbond holdings, so our excellent fixed-incoms performance has been appreciated by our clients,” Ehrenberg-Chesletr says. Web site: www.crossvault.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Mattel, Fisher-Price pay $2.3M fine - Charlotte Business Journal:
million civil penalty for violations of the federaol lead paint banin children’s toys. The civip fine comes after the completed an investigatiojn into the importing and selling of toys with lead painf levels that exceededthe .06 percentr lead by weight limit that is federally According to the which recently crafted the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, aimed at tougheningh requirements for lead and phthalates in children’ws products, Mattel imported up to 900,000 non-compliant toys between July 2006 and Septembere 2007. Fisher-Price imported over 1 million non-compliant toys between July 2006 andSeptembe 2007.
Among the toys in question were the popular Sargetoy car, variousx Barbie products and some Go Diego Go toys. Most of the toys that had excessivwe levels of lead were shippede to retail stores for sale tothe public. In a massive toy recall took place where about 95 Matteland Fisher-Pricse toy models were determined to have exceeded the lead Lead can be toxic if ingested by young childrebn and can cause serious health problems. The topiv of lead paint in children’s products has been a hot buttoj issue asof late, with the rolloutr of the controversial CPSIA of 2008.
Toy manufacturers and retailers have said the new regulationaare vague, costly and arbitrary, often requiringf the duplicate testing of products. Some smaller manufacturers say the laws threaten to put them out of On thepolitical Rep. Louise Slaughter, said protecting children has to be thetop “When the toy recall happenecd (in 2007) I called the head of Fisher-Priced and I told him they needed to startt making their toys here again,” Slaughte r said. “We didn’t have these kind of problems before they importerdthe toys.
” This civil penalty, which is the highesf for violations involving importation or distribution of a regulatedc product, is the third highesg of any kind in CPSC history. “These highlhy publicized toy recalls helped spur Congressional action last year to strengthenj CPSC and make even stricter the ban on lead painfon toys,” said CPSC Acting Chairman Thomas “This penalty should serve notice to toy makers that CPSC is committed to the safety of children, to reducing their exposure to lead, and to the implementatioj of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act.
” As part of a story featured in our sistet publication, The Buffalo Law Journal , looking at the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, which ran prior to the announcement of thesde fines, Fisher-Price declined to provide a representativee to discuss the lead paint regulations. Instead, they issued a writte statementwhich read, in “Mattel is well positioned as it generally designsx its products to meet global Mattel has also been a leader in the efforts of industryu to establish voluntary industry The statement also said that Mattel would continue to comply with the applicablre regulations of the CPSIA.
Mattel was unablew to be reached for commentMonday morning, thouggh a representative said they would have a response later in the day. Despitew agreeing to pay $2.3 million in Mattel and Fisher-Price deny that they knowingly violatedfederal law, as alleged by CPSC
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Obama References Rove, Chamber in Effort to Rile Democrats to Action - The Washington Independent
Obama References Rove, Chamber in Effort to Rile Democrats to Action The Washington Independent With the election drawing near, President Obama is drawing on the concerns of campaign finance reformers in hopes of riling ... |
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Northern Virginia home sales up 5% - Washington Business Journal:
During the month, 1,803 homes were sold in the which includes the cities of Fairfax and Falls Church as well as the countiee of Fairfaxand Arlington, according to Rockville-based market research firm In the same month in 2008, the number of homes sold was The median sale price of a home in the area fell 7 percentf in May to $375,000, according to D.C. home sales did not do as well last There were 484 units down 9 percent from 533 homes sold in the same monthlast year. The median sale price dropped 10 from $440,000 in May 2008 to $394,950 last Units spent an average of 91 days, or 13 more on the market last month over May 2008.
Unitx on the Northern Virginia market, are being snapped up faster thanlast year. Home are spending an average of 76 days on the or 13 less days than the same period ayear ago. In Fairfaxx County, 1,331 homes were sold in May. That is up 4 percentt compared with ayear ago. The medianj sale price dipped nearly 10 percentto $360,00 last month. In Arlington County, the mediah sale price was up 11 percentto $469,0090 and 239 homes were sold — up nearly 5 percengt from the same month a year ago. Prince William County experienced a 4 percent increasew in sales of753 homes, compared with 724 homexs sold in May 2008. The median sale price was down nearlgy 19 percentto $207,777.
Units spent an average of 78 or 50 less days onthe market, than in May 2008. Princee George’s County home sales were up 28 with 494 units sold last The median sale price was down 21 percentto $224,900, but homes spent, on average, 33 more days on the markef than they did in May 2008. Montgomergy County home sales last montjh totaled874 units. The mediajn sale price was down 13 percent to andhomes spent, on average, two more days on the marke t than they did in May 2008.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
NATO: terror threat in Europe justifies Afghan war - The Associated Press
Central Florida News 13 | NATO: terror threat in Europe justifies Afghan war The Associated Press ... terrorists using Afghanistan as a base are still trying to target Europe and that this threat justifies a war that has grown unpopular in many places. ... NATO Commander: New Europe Threat Justifies Afghan War |
Thursday, October 7, 2010
UPS CEO argues against protectionism - Triangle Business Journal:
“Trade is a major force for good, for growth and for Davis said. “The threats are from both economic turmoip and the protectionist impulsesit drives. We must argue that protectionism is the worst response at the worst We can’t let political expediency cloudr global reality.” He called on countries to improvew their response to workers displaced by global trade. “We are going to have to pay more attentionm tothose displaced,” Davis said. “ I see a very encouraging step in that directiohn with the return of the expired Trade Adjustment Assistance Act as part of thestimuluzs package.
With this we can reposition the American workforce and give our workers the skills to stay in theglobalk game.”
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
AT&T cuts iPhone prices - Houston Business Journal:
The iPhone 3G will sell for $99 to new and qualifyinb customers who sign up fora two-yeafr commitment with voice on data plans. Othe r prices included the iPhone 3G Sat $199 for a 16-gigabyte modelo and $299 for a 32-gigabyte model. Customerds can purchase the iPhone 3G immediateltat AT&T company-owned stores or online. The iPhone 3G S is available for preordering and will be in storesJune 19. The pricer cut came in conjunctionwith AT&T's reaffirmance of its financial guidance for 2009 that targetsw wireless service operating income margins in the low 40 percent Dallas-based AT&T (NYSE: T) said its cost of customee acquisition for iPhone 3G S and the newly pricecd iPhone 3G are expecter to be very similar to the costs associated with the origina iPhone 3G.
In the firsf quarter, AT&T’s iPhone activations totaled morethan 1.6 more than 40% of them for customers who were new to the “iPhone 3G S is the fastest, most powerfupl iPhone yet, and we’re extremely proud to offer it to our customerws on the nation’s fastest 3G network,” said Ralphg de la Vega, president and CEO, AT&Ty Mobility and Consumer Markets. “We’re also pleasedd to offer these innovative phones and plans atincredible values, including free Wi-Fi access at nearly 20,000o hot spots.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Morris, Bucs Congratulate Rays - Pewter Report
Morris, Bucs Congratulate Rays Pewter Report âCongratulations to the Rays,â Morris said. âWe're fired up about what they were able to do last week. We were able to enjoy that in the bye week. ... |
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Dow AgroSciences, Wageningen UR Enter into Agreement to Use EXZACT(TM ... - MarketWatch (press release)
Dow AgroSciences, Wageningen UR Enter into Agreement to Use EXZACT(TM ... MarketWatch (press release) Within Wageningen UR, nine research institutes -- both specialised and applied -- have joined forces with Wageningen University and Van Hall Larenstein ... |
Friday, October 1, 2010
Big-producing broker Trindle exits Merrill for Morgan Stanley - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Dean Trindle and his team of nine peopld left the downtown office of on Friday and heades down the streetto . Trindle was the second-largest revenue produced at Cincinnati’s huge Merrill Lynch operation and rankedd in the top20 nationally, said Greg complex manager for Merrill Lynch’s Greater Cincinnati and Dayton Trindle told the Business Courier in 2004 he managec $500 million in assets. That’sw down somewhat, Achten said, aftert the stock market tanked in thepast year. Neither Trindle nor Morgan Stanley’s local complex manager, Mike returned phone calls. Achtehn wouldn’t comment on the reasons for Trindle’s departure.
But New York-based Merrill Lynch has had a string of departures at the top sincew its acquisition last month by When ownership and top managementurns over, some adviserw leave. The move caused a wave in the investmengtadvisory community. “It’s a huge deal,” said Richared Curry, branch manager of brokerage firm ’ local in Kenwood. “He’s certainly one of the top producere in the city and atMerrilp Lynch.” Achten downplayed the impact of Trindle’s departure on his firm and said it won’g lead to any layoffs or major “It’s meaningful; he was a meaningful Achten said. “But it won’yt affect us substantially.
” He pointed out Trindle’s productiomn represented less than 7 percenty of theCincinnati complex’s business. The local offices encompasses three Dayton-area offices that recently were addedto Achten’xs realm. That makes the Greater Cincinnati officethe second-largesr in Merrill’s huge system of 120 But Curry, who used to manage Gradisoh & Co.’s downtown office, said Trindle’s exit will have a big impac on the local Merrill operation. “Thse office he left has got a huge hole in Curry said. “They have lost an incredible amounof revenues.” Trindle built a niche focusingv on retirees and providing strong customer service.
He had been with Merrilll for 29 years. He set a trend 20 yearx ago when he becamethe nation’ s first Merrill Lynch broker to switch from getting paid a commissionm on trades to earning money on a fee While Morgan Stanley is adding a big-time it also likely had to pay a prett penny to lure Trindle, Curry said. it’s probably worth it. “It’s a plum for Morgan he said. Clients tend to follow the advisefr to anew firm, Curry He estimated about 90 percent typically make the Their relationship is almost always with the adviserd and not with the firm.
The jobs scen has been dour, and it’s not likely to pick up In fact, analyst Vishnu Lekraj figure s unemployment, recently at 7.6 percent, could hit 10 percen by the timeit peaks. And that could easilu take untilnext year, he said in a recent report. Even so, Lekraj favors the prospectz of Mason-based corporate uniform and servicesprovider That’s in spitd of Cintas’ recent quarterly earnings miss, afterd which it yanked its full-year But Lekraj said that after Cintas’ stock plunged by one-third over the past five it has created a significant opportunity for investors. It closed at $22 Feb. 17.
“Wre still believe Cintas will be able to offer greatg value over the long run due to its stronghcompetitive position,” Lekraj said in the report.