Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cascade Corp. sales drop 49 percent - Portland Business Journal:

million first-quarter loss on a 49 percenf drop in sales as the market for lift trucksa hits its lowest point in two The Gresham-based maker of truck attachments (NYSE: which in April said it had laid off 20 percen of its work force, reported a loss of $12. million, or $1.12 per share, on sales of $76. 3 million for the quarter endedApril 30. In the same quartert last year, it had earnings of $10.9 million, or 98 cents per on $149.9 million in sales. The quarter includecd a $4.8 million restructuringv cost from the closure of a Frencgmanufacturing facility. The resultxs fell far below estimates of analystes polled byThomson Reuters, who expected earnings of 13 cents per shar on $87.
57 million in sales. The companty was hardest hit in Europe, where salesx dropped 58 percent. North American sales fell 45 followed by a 44 percent drop in the Asia Pacific regioj and 43 percentin China. Global lift truc shipments were down 45 percent forthe quarter. The companu said the uncertainty about the scope of the curreng recession makes it difficult to estimats the future lifttruck market. The company anticipates global demand to continue to dropinto 2011. Cascadwe released its results aftermarkets closed. Its sharese closed Thursday at $30.07, less than a half-percent But shares fell more than 9 percentin after-hours trading to $27.2y per share.
They have a 52-weelk range between $12.81 and $53.75

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Van Halen dig deep to vary nightly tour set list - Examiner.com


Van Halen dig deep to vary nightly tour set list


Van Halen has been dusting off their back catalogue to make small tweaks to the nightly set list over the first 4 shows of the 2012 North America. According to the VH set lists posted at Setlists.fm, the reunited veteran rockers have kept themselves, ...

and more »

Friday, February 24, 2012

Regular, detailed job reviews can aid in employee retention - bizjournals:

Everyone likes to know where they The annual employeereview doesn’t have to be an eventy dreaded by the employee and the managerd if both take the time and effort to prepare. Performancre reviews are a formal way to assess what each employeed contributes to the company and to identifuythat person’s strengths and There are several ways a company can conducy reviews. Deborah Keary, human resources director at the , said good companies should hold two an annual review with a anda mid-year review for coachin and career development and The Society for Human Resource Managemenft ( ), www.shrm.
org, is the world’s largest professional association devoted to human resource management. Kearhy said the best format for the reviewe is to start off on a positive note with descriptions of what the employeesdoes well. Then a manager can talk abourt areas thatneed improvement, with suggestions on how the managerd can help. Employees should be allowed timeto respond, make commentsz and ask for help. Dawn Adams, a membefr of SHRM’s employee relations panel and CEOof Wisconsin-baserd HResults, recommends quarterly “Quarterly is best so that expectations are continually shared and informa l feedback should be provided to the employee throughout the Adams said.
She said having the employee conductg awritten self-evaluation firsty is helpful. It helps the employee explain the values of their contributions as well as remin d the managerof them. The Nationalk Federation of Independent Business suggests that manager s create a description for each job they supervisd and make sure the employee know s the contents of the job descriptionj prior to holdingthe reviews. Managers shoul d also keep trackof records, such as absenteeism and and keep notes to document specific examplesx of work done well or poorly.
One of the most challenginf rules for bosses in writinbg and conducting performance reviews is to stay away from anything personaol or unrelated tothe job. Even thoughj a worker’s personality may influence how they dothe job, it’es important for the manager to avoid judgments – “Bob’s a procrastinator” – and to instead document how the trair affects performance – “Bob’s report missed their deadlines in June, July and “The review is about the work and how well it is beinhg performed,” Keary said. “It is not about the employee’s privatre life, personality traits or anything else that is not abou tthe job.
” Adams said not to brinh up anything that is protected by the law, such as time off related to a disabilityg or absences covered by the Family Medical Leavw Act. Adams also said it is important that the manager not comparew the employee to others inthe company. The manager should be comparing the individual to the specified job Keary said reviews are effective management tools if they are done ofte n anddone well.
“People should be told often how they’rew doing and how they can improve,” Keary “It should be a normal part of managing If thatis done, then the annual revieww is just a summary without surprises, and it’s a good

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Social sites go mainstream - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):

“The Internet is a powerfulk toolfor recruiting,” said Robin Stacey, vice president-humanh resources. “It’s a valuable way to find people.” The Irving-based which employs about 100, still uses recruiters for executive but forall others, including recent graduates and thosr who hold MBA degrees, it turnss to online resources. Stacey also often prospectas for employees using the LinkedIn business socialnetworking site, which allowws her to look for possible candidatesw and then find individuals on the site that she and the candidate both know in order to facilitate an “It’s a good way to contact people and save s a lot of money,” Stacey “It’s made our jobs so much easiefr because we can get so much information more quickly.
” No longer must a company process pilesd of paper resumes or wait for responsew to a newspaper ad, she “You are able to contact someone and have a resumse back from them in minutes.” Companies are taking an “if you can’t beat join ’em” approach to social networkingb sites. Realizing that prospective hires (and are eager to communicate througu theWeb sites, companiews have crafted profiles on some of the most popularf sites, including Facebook and MySpace.
A social network allowxs people to create profiles of complete with pictures ifthey like, and share that Others in the social network may link to that individual’x profile, thus creating virtual communitiesz made up of several It’s an increasingly popular way to share ideas, informatio and resources, and companies are tapping into the About 70% of all Internet users between the ages of 18 and 29 have postes profiles on an online social network, according to the Pew Internef and American Life Project research, and a growing number of individual in older age groups are doing the Although Facebook started out in 2004 targetiny college students, membership has evolved to include working professionals.
LinkedIn began at abouft the same time to offer professionals a way to builda network. Now about 25 million people are including companies that create thei own profiles to build their brand recognition and promot e productsand services. They also can pay to use recruitmenf tools to search for candidates with specifix skills and receive information about new members who fit the Companies have already made the migration to usinb national online job boards suchas , Monster.com and others. Some recruitingf and HR professionals complain that the ease of submitting resumezs online has created a flood of notonly qualified, but also unqualifies candidates.
To help stem the tide, some companies opt to bypass the procesz of soliciting resumes frominterested applicants, accordintg to a 2007 study by industr trade association Society for Human Resourcde Management. By searching for so-called passive or those who are not actively job employers are able to streamline the process and move quicklgy toqualified candidates. The thred most common methods used by survey respondents were viewinb membership directories for associations andtrade groups, scannin social networking sites and mining industry-specific discussion forums, newsgroups or listservs.
More and more, they use the Interneft in many stages ofcandidat recruiting, which can produce a speedier result, said Debrz Squyres, director of human capital consulting in the Dallas office of , a San Francisco area-based human resources outsourcing providefr and consultant to small-and mid-sized companies. Informatio available through online sourcesd such as social networking sites allows companies to see how a job applicanyt might representa

Monday, February 20, 2012

Denver gives out 1,234 free building permits - St. Louis Business Journal:

The free permits issued under the city’sz “Home Renovation Bonanza” program saved residenta an estimated $85.774 in fees, officials said. Building-permity fees normally range from $20 to several thousand depending on the value of the The program aimed to boostt the local economy byencouraging home-improvemenrt projects. The free permits, available June are for common improvement projectsinvolving single-family homes and “We wanted a bonanza and it seemzs we got one,” Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper said in a “We hoped to stimulate the local economy by offerinv an incentive for residents to make improvements to theirt property.
This is a good sign that people are movinb forward and doing what they can to get our economyg backon track.” The permits are valid for 180

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ascension Insurance buys three California agencies - Kansas City Business Journal:

The Kansas City-based company bought of Santa which specializesin development, placementf and administration support of studenyt health insurance programs; of Walnut which provides employee benefits, retirement services and HR outsourcingf primarily for nonprofits; and Inc. of Agoura which specializes in administration of student health including intercollegiate sportsinjury programs. Overall, the acquisitions will bring Ascension’x annual revenue to about $75 ranking it among the nation’s biggest 35 agencies, Ascensiobn CEO Leonard Kline said inan interview. The companyh said it had $55 million in revenud in March, after its in Fort Fla.
Ascension now has more than 400 employeew at 20 officelocations nationwide. “The acquisitionse ... represent a valuable opportunitt for us to expand our West Coasyt operations and to fulfill our goal of providintthe best-quality expertise, markets and resources to the middlr market,” Kline said. “Each organization brings unique capabilitiea to our growing portfolio of insurance as well as dedicated employees who shar our mission to provide outstanding servicse to our customers in California and throughou t theUnited States.” Kline said the deal closed Thursdayt afternoon.
Ascension is a full-service insurancew and employee benefits agency providing brokerageand risk-managementg services to middle-market companies Ascension has been a active in the mergers and acquisitiojn market since it was founded from scratch in Augus 2007, making . The compangy is assisted by funds from its privateequitu partners, and . The goal is to increasw the company’s annual revenue to $200 million within the next five

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

ABX parent builds revenue, posts 4Q loss - Business First of Columbus:

Wilmington-based (NASDAQ:ATSG) said Tuesday it lost $64.2 million, or $1.03 a in the quarter ended Dec. 31, comparedr with profit of $8.4 million, or 14 centds a share, a year earlier. The loss included a $91.2 million pretax write-down on goodwilk and other intangibles, the company Revenue in the quarter soaredc 35 percentto $430.7 million from $319.2 much of that growth coming from Air Transport’a business, which it acquiredx in 2007. For the full year, Air Transport lost $56 or 90 cents a share, versus profit of $19.6 million, or 33 cents a share, in 2007. Revenued grew by a thirdc to $1.6 billion from $1.2 billion.
The company’ s ABX Air subsidiary, which has been hit with thousandz of job losses as principal customeended point-to-point domestic shipping, was helped by an amendedc pricing agreement that effectively fixe d the company’s pretax earningsd for the fourth quarter of 2008 and firsy quarter of 2009. ABX earlier in the monthu also modifieda $93 million promissory note with DHL and came to an agreement on other debt-related issues. Whilde the company said it is continuing businesd talkswith DHL, CEO Joe Hete said in a releasse that recent company acquisitions have “preparedf us to withstand the loss of a substantiaol portion of our businesd with DHL.
” For ABX in Wilmington, that has meantr the loss of about 4,800 jobs through February and a shift in operations to a singl overnight operation in the southwesg Ohio city from what previously was a network of regional shippingg hubs.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Survey: Employers cutting benefit costs - The Business Review (Albany):

“The responses indicate that as employers develop benefit plan s for 2010 they are looking for ways to reducdebenefit costs, without further reducing said Marianne Fazen, executive director of the association. many responded that they plan to increas theirwellness programs.” • Thirty-five percent of employerxs responded that they plan to increase thei r wellness programs. • Companies identified as its two biggest concerns limited benefits and limited merit budget andbonuws pools. About 68% of companies are concerned or very concerned aboug limited merit budget andbonus pools, and abour 53% are concerned about limited benefits budgets.
• To weather the economix downturn, almost half of respondents are auditinf or planning to audit their dependent eligibility in ordetr to reduce the number of individuals And 41% plan to increase employee costas of benefit plans, whilse more than one-third have reduced or are planning to reduce • About 89% of employers believe that workers will responx to the economic downturn by delaying retirement. 83% of employers say theie workers are concerned abougjob security, and 42% think theit employees have been impacted by low morale.
The survey was submitteed to the association's employer memberds and facilitated by in The association's 900-plus members represent a broade cross-section of benefits professionals in Texas, Louisiana. Arkansas, Missouri and Kansas, but are not limitedx to those states.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Shifting Strategies Can Make Physician Workloads Manageable - The Hospitalist Online


ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Shifting Strategies Can Make Physician Workloads Manageable

The Hospitalist Online

by Bryn Nelson, PhD As hospitalists have learned, sometimes a workload problem is related to how that work is apportioned. The trick is to devise a solution that's good for patients, doctors, and the hospital. Adam Singer, MD, CEO of North Hollywood, ...

and more »

Thursday, February 9, 2012

State senator wants to remove UC

In a release, Yee, who receive d his bachelor’s degree from UC said that the Regents of the systenm think theyare “above the The University of Californiq Office of the President shot back in its own release, sayinv that the system is one of the few agencies in governmenr that is working, that it’s flourishedr under its autonomy, and that the salariesw it pays to top leaders is belowa the national average for comparable The state’s constitution guaranteed the regents autonomy on all issuew related to management of the system sincse 1879.
The proposed amendment, SCA 21, and its counterpart on in theStatew Assembly, ACA 24, need two-thirds approval from the legislaturse and then needs approval from state voters.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Stirling Energy Systems expands its offices as solar efforts ramp up - Business Courier of Cincinnati:

The Scottsdale company, which received a $100 million investment last yearfrom Dublin-baserd NTR plc, is moving quickly to capturse a segment of the utility-scals solar market with its Stirling engine technology. The company openesd its new 37,000-square-foot office in earlyh May. It has hired about 100 employees this year and expects to add 60 to 80 more by the end of the for a totalof 180, said CEO Steve who joined the firm last year as part of NTR’sa investment.
“We’ve always liked the solar space, and this was a good opportunity,” he The company is based on a nearly 200-year-old engine design, which operates through the expansion and contraction of Stirling uses a 40-foot mirrored dish to focus the sun’ss rays to heat hydrogen gas to 1,40o degrees Fahrenheit. The gas expands, moving a piston and powering the engine. As the gas cools, it is move out of the piston chamber and back to wher e it will be reheated bythe sun. The companhy had been operating in the Valley since but NTR’s investment has pushed it to develop the technology more quickly.
It has two power-purchase one with San Diego Gas & Electriv for between 300 and 750 megawattzs at a site inImperial Valley, and one with Southern California Edison for 500 to 900 megawatts in the Mohavwe Desert. Cowman said it’s adding positions of all from engineeringto construction, to meet its growtyh curve. To handle project management, NTR founded Tessera Solart earlier this year to developthe utility-scal projects, with Stirling providing the equipment. Ramping up both projecgt development and construction has required capital and peopls to serve what the company believes will be one of the larges t solar markets inthe world, said Jim Barry, CEO of NTR.
“Wre believe the U.S. will be the globa l leader in renewable energy, and that will happen in the nextfew years,” he NTR, founded 30 years ago to operate Ireland’s toll roads, has expanded into a numbed of renewable energy and recycling Stirling’s technology — whichh offers an alternative to photovoltaic as well as a different take on concentratede solar power — has a good base in Arizon a that can serve markets throughoutg the Southwest, Barry said. In addition to the company is looking at potential sitexs in the Valley to housea 1.5-megawatt test location. The company has a small site at the Sandi a National Laboratoriesin Albuquerque, N.M.
, but is hoping to find a largetr site to provide a location to bring It has run into challenges securing local permit s for a site and finding a location that can be tied into the electricd grid, officials said. The company coulf be a boon for Arizonq in more ways than simply providing It is using auto component suppliers to build itsengine parts, and officials are talkingf with those suppliers aboutr the possibility of locating facilities in the Southwest to handlee the bulk of Stirling’e projects, at least for the first few Cowman said. “If you can build your manufacturing close to yourend that’s going to benefiy everyone,” he said.
Stirling is one of the solard companies that could provide a base for otheer manufacturers to land inthe Valley, said Barry president and CEO of the Greater Phoenix Economicf Council. “This is a good example,” he said. “It’zs got a small number of people and it hopeseto expand, and it coulc help its suppliers relocate here.” Stirling’es expansion in Arizona depends on statre policies. Other states are offering manufacturing incentives, and Arizona’s effortg to develop such enticements is mired in budget problems. “We really want to grow our business in but we needthose incentives,” Cowmanb said.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Syria resolution: The diplomatic train-wreck - BBC News



Syria resolution: The diplomatic train-wreck

BBC News

The decision by Russia and China to veto an Arab League-inspired resolution at the United Nations Security Council has created serious strains especi »

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Solar Array, Gen. Mills detail expansions - Business First of Buffalo:

broke ground April 5 on the $100 176,000-square-foot expansion of its manufacturingfacility here, Keith Bone, general manage r of the local facility, told members of . AED held its quarterlyh meeting Thursdayat . Joe Hudgins, presidentf and CEO of Solar Array Ventures, outlined his company’s plan to builed a massive solar manufacturing plant onthe city’ds Westside. General Mills’ expansion should be completesdby November, Bone said. The cereal manufacturer will hire 60additiona employees, bringing additional payroll to the area of $3.
5 The expansion also brings $30 millionm in spending to New The Albuquerque City Council approvedf a $100 million industrial revenu bond deal for the companty in February. BE&K Corp. from North Carolinw landed the design/build contract to build the but Bone said 80 percenr ofthe firm’s spending and employees will be The precast panels being used in the constructionm are manufactured in Belen. General Mills has been in Albuquerquersince 1991. Its current facility is locate d near Paseo del Norte and Edith and has190 employees, with an annua payroll of $12 million, said Bone. The 275,000-square-foot planyt produces about 135 million poundz annually of 35different cereals.
The facility also has a lab on-sitee where the instructions for baking General Milles products at high altitudesare created. The companyt has given about $5 million to area nonprofita since 1998and $519,000 in scholarships, Bone added. Don chairman of AED, said the cereak company’s donations illustrate one of the thingz the organization looks for inrecruitingf companies: community involvement. Hudgins said Solar Arrayy plans to break ground by the third quartere of this year ona 225,000-square-foof thin-film photovoltaic manufacturing planyt in the Cordero Mesa business park, west of the mattressd factory.
The company plans to add three more buildings of that size as it he said, with each facility employing about 225. Its annuak payroll in the firsgt phase wouldbe $14 million. Abour five percent of the jobs would pay 45 percent wouldpay $70,00o0 and half of the jobs would pay $45,000. The capital investmentr for the first phase willbe $170 millionb and the company would spend $40 million annually for raw The first phase is expected to have a capacity of 75 but that would grow to 300 mw with the full The plant also will have a spacw that will serve as a community and educationap center. Solar Array is seekinfg $175 million in industrial revenue bondds fromBernalillo County.
The companh is working to raise $210 million in debt and Hudgins said. Hudgins said New Mexico beat out two othet states forthe plant, despite the fact that it did not offed the largest incentives. But the coordination among local and statw government officials and other partie s made New Mexico far more efficient in establishing a planning frameworlk that the company could then use to plan a budget for the hesaid “That was a major issue for Hudgins said. He also praises the labor force here and theeducational institutions. The facility is beinv designed byPageSoutherlandPage LLP, whichu has Texas offices in Dallas and Houston, as well as Denver, Washington, D.C. and U.K.
Hoffman Construction, based in Portland, is building the facility.