Saturday, October 15, 2011

AEP warning of outages from ice damage - Business First of Columbus:
The Columbus utility said forecasts are projecting heavy ice accumulatiobin Chillicothe, Lancaster, Zanesville, Cambridge and areazs north of Athens. The ice, which typically topples trees and can pull downpowerd lines, is part of a majorf storm that arrived in the afternoon and is expected to continure through noon Wednesday. “Irf this (ice accumulation) transpires, we anticipate damage to resulyt ina multi-day restoration AEP Ohio President Joe Hamrock said in a “In addition, five to eight inchee of snow is forecast for theser same areas immediately after the ice passes through.
Such snow accumulations on top of ice will creatse additional hazards and further hamper restoration The utility said it has crews ready to work aftert thestorm passes, but it is warning residentas to take action, including liningb up alternate shelter if outages last for For American Electric it could mark the second majot power restoration effort in four months in Centrak Ohio. Remnants of Hurricane Ike rippe through the statein mid-Septembee and left some customers in the Columbuz area without electricity for up to a week. Customers shoule call 1-800-277-2177 to report power outages or go onlindeat

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