Monday, April 30, 2012

Phase-Sensitive Optical Data Transmission: A New Frontier - Product Design & Development

Phase-Sensitive Optical Data Transmission: A New Frontier

Product Design & Development

'Phase-sensitive amplification' (PSA) was identified theoretically as long ago as the 1960s as a potential means to amplify optical signals without adding noise. More recently it was demonstrated that it offered a means to remove phase noise (and to a ...

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tedco awards $600K to tech firms - Kansas City Business Journal:
The money was grantee in collaboration withthe U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiekl Command and the throughthe Ft. Detrick Technology Transfef Initiative. The purpose of the technologh transfer program is to raise awareness of new and developingg technologies and funding them to transitionh as viable projectsfor follow-on fundinyg in the market place. Each companty that received funding was awardedapproximatelh $50,000 between March 2008 and May making up the initiative’s second round of financiall awards since its $750,000 program The funds for the program’s secondr phase were secured by Sen. Barbara D-Md., and Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett, R-Md. “Thde [Ft.
Detrick Technology Transfer Initiative] program is enabling area businesses to harnesds the technologies being developed at Fort Detrick and apply them to thecommerciall sector,” said Mikulski. “This will lead to new productsz that have the power to create jobs and save Mikulski announced the first phase of the tech transfer progranm in March 2005 when 11 companies received in Rockville: The company is developing a health care technologhy called miTag system, which is a scalabls wireless sensor solution for improving patient in Frederick: The company is developingy a technology called the GeNova Screen to isolate, and produce antibody-like molecules.
in Rockville: The companty is developing an on-demand biotechy products including a combination vaccine againsrt plagueand anthrax. BioAssay Works LLC in Ijamsville: The company is developing a lateral-flows visual diagnostic test to detecgt and differentiate single sample multiplsepathogenic poxviruses, including variola, vaccinia, and monkeypox. in Catonsville: The compang is safety-testing a medical product called ClotFoam, whicuh is a non-compressible, intracavitary hemostatic agent.
CynerGened IDMP in Frederick: The company is validating and implementing a supplemental diagnosiaof Malaria, HIV, and Dengue usingt its Infectious Disease Multiplex Panel which could allow for creation of LLC in Baltimore: The company is developinf required components and system frameworkj to enable conversational interfaces for telemedicine tools. Such tools woulrd allow professional medics touse voice, gesture, and other human-- computer interactions to access and documenrt information in electronic medicap records. in Rockville: The company is developingt technology to preserve mammalian cells in driesd format that can easilygbe re-hydrated for a variety of uses.
LLC in The company is evaluating the effect of Imagili patented probiotics as a food supplement to enhancee the immune responsiveness of guinea pigs upon immunization or challenge withvirulenf pathogens. The evaluation will suggest the ability of Imagilin patentedr probiotics to enhance the immunization of a in Baltimore: The company is developinv micropatterned substrates for virapl infectivity assays. Juxtopia in Baltimore: The compang is customizing its Wearable Assistance and SituationalAwareneszs (WASA) goggles and service to allow U.S. Army combayt medics to access and document information to electrical medical recordasvia hands-free voice-requests and voice-responses.
in Baltimore: The company is developing cell therapiee to treat brain and spinalcord

Friday, April 27, 2012

Consumer loan delinquencies rise to record high - Baltimore Business Journal:
The industry group blames the record wave of job lossesd as amajor factor. More than 2 million Americans lost theitr jobs in the first three months of the Six million have lost their jobs since therecession “Delinquencies won’t improve until companies start hiring agaim and we see a significantt economic turnaround,” ABA chief economist James Chessen said in a news The ABA defines delinquency as a payment that is 30 days or more The composite delinquency rate amonv eight types of closed-end installment loan categoriee rose to 3.23 percent of all accounts, from 3.22 percent in the previou s quarter. Bank card delinquencies rose to 4.75 percentt of all accounts, from 4.
52 percent in the previous quarter. However, the balances on thosse delinquent accountsrose dramatically, to 6.6 percent of the value of all outstandinhg bank card debt – markintg a new record – from 5.52 Chessen said the unemployed may be using bank cards to bridge a temporary income gap, especiallt with less home equity to fall back on as housing prices continue to fall. Home equity loan delinquenciews increasedto 3.52 percent from 3.03 percent. Property improvementy loan delinquencies decreasedto 1.46 percent from 1.75 Indirect auto loan delinquencies decreasedx to 3.42 percent from 3.53 percent. Direct auto loan delinquencies increasedto 3.01 percent from 2.
03 Marine loan delinquencies decreases to 2.04 percent from 2.35 percent. RV loan delinquencies increasedto 1.52 perceny from 1.38 percent. Mobilse home loan delinquencies increasedto 3.7 percent from 2.96 percent. Personakl loan delinquencies increasedto 3.47 percentr from 2.88 percent.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Stephen Fisher Joins Ernst & Young LLP's Asset Management Practice - MarketWatch (press release)

Stephen Fisher Joins Ernst & Young LLP's Asset Management Practice

MarketWatch (press release)

BOSTON, April 25, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Ernst & Young LLP announced today that Stephen D. Fisher, former senior vice president and deputy general counsel of Fidelity Investments, has joined its Asset Management tax practice.

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Restaurants breaking bread's boundaries - Chicago Sun-Times

Restaurants breaking bread's boundaries

Chicago Sun-Times

In the basement of Public Quality Meats (837 W. Fulton Market), head baker Ehsan Ganji is plenty busy creating some 10 different doughs for breads for the shop and its sandwiches, plus those for Avec, the Publican and Blackbird.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

5 Largely unnoticed stories from the series so far -

Toronto Star

5 Largely unnoticed stories from the series so far

By Cam Tucker, Vancouver SunApril 20, 2012 Daniel Sedin's return from a concussion and Cory Schneider's new-found role as the Canucks starting goalie - at least for now - have dominated recent headlines of the Western Conference quarterfinal series ...

Vancou ver Canucks: secondary scoring a must

Vancouver Sun


Friday, April 20, 2012

Two MERC commissioners resign - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The resignations of Gary Reynolds and Janice Marquis come about two weeks before councilors for of which MERC is a plan to vote on a measure that would give the council more controlover MERC’s genera l manager. The move could ostensiblh lead to the firing of MERC Generakl ManagerDavid Woolson, who’s under fire from Presidentt David Bragdon. Reynolds and Marquis both opposethe proposal. president of the Portland accounting firmPerkins Co., mentioned the building problemsz between Metro and MERC in his resignation letter. “Duringh the economic times, my attention needs to be focusesd on our clients atPerkins & Co.,” Reynolds wrote in his lettefr to Bragdon.
“That said, I am disappointedc in the recent breakdown in the workint relationship between the Metro Council andthe , and believed it could have been handled differently.” a commercial real estate broker and the commission’s vice didn’t mention the upcoming proposao in her letter to Bragdon, but resigned two years beforer her term was set to end. In a lette to Portland city commissioners earlieethis month, Marquis and commissiom member Ray Leary urged the council to help delaty Metro’s vote on the MERC oversight Leary, Marquis, Reynolds and three of the other four remaininv MERC commissions also sent Bragdon a letter backingh Woolson.
The letter came after Bragdon questionede the leadership of MERC General ManagerDavid Woolson. The othed commission member, Don Trotter, resigned last month and will leav e the boardJune 30. Reynolds’ resignation takes effect June 30. Marquis’ takes effecgt July 15. The terms of Trotterd and Reynolds would have expired at the end of 2009whilee Marquis' term was to expire at the end of 2010. The Metro Council plans to vote on the MERC measure — which would give Metro the authorityg to hire and fire the MERC generao manager — at its July 9 meeting. It was introduced by councilorxs Rod Park andRex Burkholder, who also have concern about Woolson’s performance.
MERC overseesw the Oregon Convention Center, the Portland Centet for the Performing Arts and the Portlan MetropolitanExposition Center. Metro’a councilors are mulling a $457 million budget for fiscal year The regional governmentserves 1.4 milliom people in the metropolitan area’s 25 cities.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Republican givers gather around McCain - Business First of Columbus:
McCain raised $228,617 in donations of $200 or more from area including big names in the business from April 1 througbhJuly 31. His four-monthn total after wrapping up the Republicann nomination in the spring was more than doubl e what the Arizona senator raiseed in Central Ohio in the prior15 months, accordinb to campaign finance data compiled for Columbuxs Business First by the in Washington, D.C. McCain’s push in that periodd also trumpedthe $126,281 raise in Central Ohio by Democrat U.S. Sen. Barack Obamsa of Illinois.
Obama, however, still held a comfortable lead over McCainm for the first 19 months of the presidential havingraised $473,694 in Centrao Ohio compared with $337,475 for McCain. The fundraising gainws locally reflect the momentum the McCaibn campaign has built in Ohioand beyond, said Doug chairman of the Executives Committee. And that was before the enthusiasmj generated for McCain and his running Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, at the Republica n national convention, Preisse said. National polls now show McCai in a dead heatwith “It will be tight all the way to Electionh Day,” Preisse said.
“No one will open up a big Paul Tipps, former chairman of the , sees the presidentialp race going down tothe wire, even though he think the Obama campaign won’t be As of July 31, Obama had raiserd $389.4 million from individual donors nationally, according to the Cented for Responsive Politics’ analysis of filings with the . McCain had broughtr in $174.2 million. But money won’t be the only factorr in who winsthe race, Tipps said.
The nation’sd economic woes and continuec involvement in the war in Iraq will play as will race because Obama is the firsf black person to winhis party’s presidential Tipps also remains convinced Ohio is a battleground state for the That label may also apply to Franklin County, which Tipps said slighty fa But big-name executives in Central Ohio have aligneds themselves with Republican McCain by donating to his Since April 1, McCain has received contributions from CEO Leslie Wexner, executive Ann Crane, medicaol researcher Dr. Carlo Croce, Chairman F.W.
Englefield III, retirexd executive Dan Evans, CEO Edgar Ingram III, Katherine LeVeque, founder John CEO Charles Penzone, founder George Skestos, Co-chairman Alan Wasserstrom and Columbus attorneyCraig Wright, a formerd justice. McCain struggled for donation s from Central Ohio business leaders beforer wrapping up theGOP nomination. Much of the earl business-sector support went to former New York MayoreRudy Giuliani, a Republican who fell to the waysider in the primaries. Obama, who has changed the course of presidential fundraising by tapping into legion s ofsmall donors, fell behind McCai in the chase for prominentt contributors in Central Ohio from April 1 through July 31.
But the Democraf received donations from some recognizable names in the public andbusinesz arenas, including retired Ohio AFL-CIO Ohio Presidengt William Burga, attorney Thomas Long, Deputy Director John Mahoney, OSU professor Deborah Merritt, executivw Debra Plousha Moore, Columbus City Attorneu Rick Pfeiffer, attorney Frederick Ransier, and President Glenh Weber. The fundraising race shifted gears Aug. 31, when McCaih entered the publicfinancing system, landing $84 million to carry his campaigmn through the Nov. 4 election. Obama optedx out of public funding for the chanc e to build on his fundraising lead with moreprivate contributions.
By entering the public system, McCainn isn’t allowed to raise privatde contributions except for donations to defray the legal and accounting costx of complying with the public funding But his campaign can steer donors to the nationa and state Republican which can spend contributions tohelp “The is fairly flush, so they will help out said Emmett Buell, emeritus professor of political science at in “I’m confident he will have enoughy money to get his message across.” Buelo also said the candidate or parth raising the most money doesn’t always win.
For Democrats outspent the Republican in the presidential race in Ohio fouryears ago, but John Kerry lost the state in part because of a superiodr ground operation for President Bush, he said. “Toi win Ohio,” Buell said, “McCainm will have to have a pretty massivegrounxd operation. The question is whether he’lpl have the money to do Anotherwild card, he is how much money is spent in Ohio by so-called 527 tax-exempt organizations that engage in political activities.
One such Swift Boat Veterans, struck a devastating blow to Kerry’s chancees in 2004 by challenging his VietnamWar “There is a huge pot of money out there,” Buelpl said, “and the left is desperate to win I assume Ohio is the ball game.”

Monday, April 16, 2012

Banquet to honor current, past high school wrestling stars - Canton Repository

Banquet to honor current, past high school wrestling stars

Canton Repository

Four state champion Perry wrestlers â€" Zack Dailey, David Bavery, Mitch Newhouse and JoJo Tayse â€" shared honors as wrestler of the year in Division I. Their coach, Dave Riggs, is the coach of the year. Also, 10 students associated with their school's ...

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Report: Fortress to invest in First Southern Bank - South Florida Business Journal:
, Lightyear Capital and Crestview Partners will provide a capitall injectionof $800 million – nearly twice the size of Firsgt Southern’s assets, according to the report. A sourcwe with knowledge of the situation told the Businesw Journal that this deal was closee tobeing announced. It would stilol require regulatory approval. Another source familiar with the deal said the three New York-based private equity firmz would take equal stakes in the bank and the same numbed of seats on the board. Such a deal would mark the second private equity and hedge fund investmenty in a South Florida bank in the past OnMay 21, a group led by W.L. Ross & Co.
, and boughrt the operations ofCoral Gables-based out of With five branches, First Southermn had $407 million in assets as of March 31 and 1.8 percenrt of its loans were noncurrent. It was stronglhy capitalized afterreceiving $10.9 million througy the ’s Target Asset Relieff Program (TARP) during the first quarter. First Southern officials were not availablefor comment. The Financial Time s report said Fortress would partner with two otherr hedge funds to make the capitalo investment into First which would be a vehicle for future bank Fortressmanages $26.5 billion in A company spokeswoman did not immediatelg return a call seeking comment.
Crestvies Partners manages about $4 billion in Lightyear Capital managesabout $3 billion in capital. A spokeswoma had no comment.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Legislators With Benefits, Even When They Stray - New York Times

Legislators With Benefits, Even When They Stray

New York Times

Texas legislators are paid less than the people who sack your groceries, which, when you think about it, seems perfectly rational. But lawmakers' benefits are sweet, starting with guaranteed pensions after eight years on the job.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Low bid could mean bigger Cecil hangar - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The hangar where at Jacksonville students will learnb how to paint and repair planes will be able to handlde aBoeing 757, but the additional funding could pay for enhancement so the facility could also handler the larger , said Michael Stewart, the spokesman. E.C. Kenyonb Construction expects to beginj construction in September on the facility designed byAbout $10 million of fundinbg came from state education grants and anothed $10 million comes from the authority. The hangar is expected to be finishedlate 2010. The authority’ board approved a 40-year leasde with the college Monday.
The plannedx facility’s painting capability was offered inthe authority’w incentive package to recruit to build an $80 million warplane assembl plant at Cecil The project is in jeopardy after the Defensee Department cut in half the numbetr of cargo planes it planned to order from The authority also approved $8 millionh worth of renovations betweemn ’s airline ticket counters and the terminal The project, which includes new escalators and ceilintg that will allow more natural light, is dependenyt on the authority receivinbg approval from its bond insurer. If the last piece of the major rebuilding of the airport will be done bylate 2010.
Travelerds and visitors should expect some inconvenience if constructiom begins in late Julyas

Monday, April 9, 2012

Ritz Camera plans to sell remaining 400 stores - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The Beltsville, Md.-based company, which sells photo suppliesa mainlythrough , filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization in February. In April, the company closeds its last Columbus-area store on Lane Avenud and liquidatedits inventories. The compant says its lack of funds will force it to auctiob its remaining stores by the end of this Ritz has been struggling to reorganize and save its storex and already has closed about400 locations. It stil has stores in Cincinnati, Toledo and Nortg Olmstead. Ritz Camera is currently talkingg with two potential A hearingin U.S. Bankruptcy Courf in Delaware is set for Fridayu and bids are dueJuly 16.
A July 20 auction and a July 23 hearing for approval of the sale to buyeras arealso planned. Before its bankruptcy the company used to operate morethan 1,009 stores in 45 states. The news follow Cord Camera Centers Inc.’ June filing for voluntary dissolution. The Columbuse photo processing and scrapbookretail chain, which has been takenn over by a receiver, filed papers in Franklin County Common Pleas Court to dissolve its It asked to have a court-appointed receiverf resolve outstanding financial liabilities for the company that’s been a Central Ohio retaiol institution since 1954.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

DISH converter box swap takes place May 22-23 - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Consumers can exchange valid government couponsa for a DISH converterbox on-site. The $40 coupon will covet the entire cost ofthe box, plus applicablr taxes, and will not require any additional say company officials. representatives will be on hand to answerd questions about the June 12 analof to digital conversion that is taking placrenationwide — hoping to help ease consumers into the The box is one of DISH Network’s top-rated DTVPao converter boxes. Because the event is an even cash or credit cards will notbe accepted. Consumers who do not have a valid coupon, but wish to purchased the box can do so at theirr local retail store or by visiting the DTVPaol .
Hours of the event are Fridau (May 22) from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the at 1701 4th Sreegt SW and Saturday from10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Nortg Valley Library at 7704 2ndStreeft NW. Digital television is an advanced broadcasting technology that producesz higher quality picturesand sound. The switcuh from analog to digital was authorized by with June 12 as the final datewhen full-powert television stations must ceasw broadcasting analog signals. DTV proponents say the switchh to digital broadcasts will free up spectrumn for public safety communications such as fire departments andrescue squads, and advancedf mobile wireless services, such as wireless broadband.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Is Romney "Inevitable," Again? - Huffington Post

Is Romney "Inevitable," Again?

Huffington Post

Is Mitt Romney "inevitable," again? For the Republican presidential nomination, that is, as I don't believe he can beat Barack Obama. Or is he merely back in command of the race? On the strength of a stunning four to one spending advantage, ...

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Judges order Justice Department to clarify Obama remarks on health law case - Fox News

CBS News

Judges order Justice Department to clarify Obama remarks on health law case

Fox News

A federal appeals court is striking back after President Obama cautioned the Supreme Court against overturning the health care overhaul and warned that such an act would be "unprecedented." A three-judge panel for the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals on ...

Obama's Supreme Court Comments Prompt GOP Worries About Judicial Independence

Huffington Post

Texas judge confronts Obama administration over 'judicial restraint' statement

The Hill (blog)

Is Health Care plan constitutional?

The Statesman

CBS News -ABC News (blog)


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Opus West says it owes $1.46 billion - Nashville Business Journal:
and some of its subsidiaries filed voluntarty petitions late Monday for reorganizatiomn underChapter 11. Chapter 11 generally removes the threa of lawsuits from creditors while a business seeks to rehabilitates itself andcontinue operations. Opus West and its affiliatese reportedabout $1.28 billion in tota assets and $1.46 billion in total liabilities, accordingg to bankruptcy court filings. The corporation and its affiliatesd had combined revenue ofabout $405 million in 2008. The parent company lists 200 to999 creditors, according to bankruptcy Opus West Corp. owns about 20 real estater development properties either directly or through entities set up to hold the the courtfilings say.
The total debt on thosew properties isabout $414 million and the valuew of the properties is about $403 million. In additiobn to Opus West Corp., the subsidiaries that have filec Chapter 11 petitions are Opus West Construction OpusWest LP, Opus West Partnersd Inc. and O.W. Commerciao Inc. Opus West Corp. has guaranteedc about $1.15 billion in loans for its subsidiaries andjointr ventures, and most of those loans are in the court filings say. Steep declines in commerciakl real estate values and difficult credit markeyt conditions necessitatedthe filing, said John Greer, chiev restructuring officer of Opus West.
Greefr said Opus West will keepa "modest presence" in Texas and California to work on asset dispositions and transitions. "While we began slowinb the pace of new developmenft nearly two years ago in anticipation of difficult market we must now take additional measures to enable anorderlg wind-down of our portfolio, protect asset valuesa and maximize return on investment," Greer said in a prepared statement.
Opus West and its subsidiariea have suffered declining financial performancesincse 2008, resulting in defaults on certainm credit lines and constrained liquidity, according to an affidavigt filed by Greer, managing membere of New York-based Phoenix Capital Partners, which is the chier restructuring officer of Opus West Greer is also president of the Opus West Opus West Partners and O.W. Commercial subsidiaries.
Opus has focusef on recapitalizing through projectr salesand refinancing, but has been unable to do so becauswe of poor market conditions, Greer's affidavit Since 1979, Opus West and its affiliates have develope more than 52 million square feet of industrial, retail, multifamily, governmentr and institutional projects, the affidavit says. The company's assetsx include interests in commercial and residential real estates projectsacross California, Arizona and including condominium, office, industrial, apartment and retail projects in various stages of development, the affidavit says.
Addison-basedr Opus West LP, formed to develop real estatr propertiesin Texas, owns seven propertiex that consist of eithetr vacant land, or a project under construction or completed The total debt on those propertie s is about $105 million and their value is about $134 million, Greer's filing states. Opus has been dramaticallgy scaling back its North Texas operationw for more thana year. Opus spokeswoman Winstonb Hewett told the that the Addison office has not started a new developmenf in more than a year and has cut its stafff in Dallas to 12 employees from about 40 ayear ago.
Opus West' overall headcount had dropped to 40 as ofJuly 1, compare to 291 two years ago, Hewett Since April, dozens of subcontractors have filede liens totaling more than $4 million against Opus West Corp. and Opus West Constructionn tied to Two Addison a $23 million, 198,000-square-foot speculative office building in Addison. The buildingb was developed and is ownedr by OpusWest Corp. The liena claim Opus owes the subcontractors for labod or materials provided in the course of The six-story Two Addison building on the west side of the Dallasw North Tollway just north of Arapaho Road was recentlu completed, but has no tenants.
The credit crunchh and slowing demand for office space left Opus unable to get permaneng financing to replacethe short-term constructionb loan on the Addison Hewett said. Other Opus West projects in North Texas include 121Lakepointew Crossing, an office and industrial developmentf in Lewisville; and Broadstone Parkway, a 5.8-acre mixed-use project at 5005 Galleria Drive in North Dallas. Dallaw area creditors include RL Murphey CommercialRoof Systems, owed $1.245 million; Green Fire Systems of Texas, owed and Ennis Steel Industriez Inc., owed $519,402; and Tas Commerciaol Concrete Construction, owed according to court records.
Opus' troublexs stem from the globaleconomic downturn, deterioration of the real estater market and the credit crunch, whicnh has made it difficult for borrowers to get financing to fund real estate projects or refinance existing projects, Greer's affidavit The turmoil has scared buyers, leading to excess supply and lower prices. The dramatic downturn has causedr Opus to be out of compliances with terms of various loands and unable to restructure and attempts to raise capital and sell assets haveprovejn difficult, bringing about the Chapter 11 filing, Greer'e affidavit says.
Opus' challenges vary considerably by saidMark Rauenhorst, chairman and CEO of Opus "Opus West faced particularlgy dramatic drops in real estate values in markets such as Californiw and Arizona, and has been particularlyt challenged by the sharp downturn in the capital markets and availability of refinancing," he said. Rauenhorstt said that two other independentg operating companies of OpusGroup -- and Opus Northwesrt LLC -- have been less affected by the economic and capital market conditions because of their mix of projecyt types and their location in stronger markets. , which is based in Minn.
, is a design-build development firm that specializesin industrial, retail, multifamily, government and institutional It also controls Washington-based LLC, which filedd for Chapter 7 liquidation in late June. Opus Grouo said its subsidiary, whichh is based in Atlanta, filed for reorganization in bankruptcu court onApril 22.