Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tedco awards $600K to tech firms - Kansas City Business Journal:
The money was grantee in collaboration withthe U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiekl Command and the throughthe Ft. Detrick Technology Transfef Initiative. The purpose of the technologh transfer program is to raise awareness of new and developingg technologies and funding them to transitionh as viable projectsfor follow-on fundinyg in the market place. Each companty that received funding was awardedapproximatelh $50,000 between March 2008 and May making up the initiative’s second round of financiall awards since its $750,000 program The funds for the program’s secondr phase were secured by Sen. Barbara D-Md., and Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett, R-Md. “Thde [Ft.
Detrick Technology Transfer Initiative] program is enabling area businesses to harnesds the technologies being developed at Fort Detrick and apply them to thecommerciall sector,” said Mikulski. “This will lead to new productsz that have the power to create jobs and save Mikulski announced the first phase of the tech transfer progranm in March 2005 when 11 companies received in Rockville: The company is developing a health care technologhy called miTag system, which is a scalabls wireless sensor solution for improving patient in Frederick: The company is developingy a technology called the GeNova Screen to isolate, and produce antibody-like molecules.
in Rockville: The companty is developing an on-demand biotechy products including a combination vaccine againsrt plagueand anthrax. BioAssay Works LLC in Ijamsville: The company is developing a lateral-flows visual diagnostic test to detecgt and differentiate single sample multiplsepathogenic poxviruses, including variola, vaccinia, and monkeypox. in Catonsville: The compang is safety-testing a medical product called ClotFoam, whicuh is a non-compressible, intracavitary hemostatic agent.
CynerGened IDMP in Frederick: The company is validating and implementing a supplemental diagnosiaof Malaria, HIV, and Dengue usingt its Infectious Disease Multiplex Panel which could allow for creation of LLC in Baltimore: The company is developinf required components and system frameworkj to enable conversational interfaces for telemedicine tools. Such tools woulrd allow professional medics touse voice, gesture, and other human-- computer interactions to access and documenrt information in electronic medicap records. in Rockville: The company is developingt technology to preserve mammalian cells in driesd format that can easilygbe re-hydrated for a variety of uses.
LLC in The company is evaluating the effect of Imagili patented probiotics as a food supplement to enhancee the immune responsiveness of guinea pigs upon immunization or challenge withvirulenf pathogens. The evaluation will suggest the ability of Imagilin patentedr probiotics to enhance the immunization of a in Baltimore: The company is developinv micropatterned substrates for virapl infectivity assays. Juxtopia in Baltimore: The compang is customizing its Wearable Assistance and SituationalAwareneszs (WASA) goggles and service to allow U.S. Army combayt medics to access and document information to electrical medical recordasvia hands-free voice-requests and voice-responses.
in Baltimore: The company is developing cell therapiee to treat brain and spinalcord

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