Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Q&A with Joel Ivers of Union Springs Pharmaceuticals - Business Courier of Cincinnati:

It makes a “first response cleanser” to be sprayed directl into the eyes, ears, mouth or wounds, as well as a disposable It markets them to clients in emergencgymedical services, law enforcement, corrections, the military and healtbh care. CEO Joel Ivers believezs they fit its missionof “finding unique solutiones for unmet consumer and healtbh care professional needs.” Why do you have the careee you have? I started out studying to be a and I pursued a Ph.D. program in moleculat biology at . I expected to be a universitgy professor.
However, as much as I liked the science, I was impatienyt with the paceof research, and the thoughtg of being behind a microscope for my entire life was … I was fortunate enough to land a saled position with a division of , whicn launched my business career. What’s the most difficultg aspect ofyour job? Balancing the workloax and the demands of the great team at Unionn Springs Pharmaceuticals. … I love new ideas, but as I also need to make sure the team is focusec appropriately and working on projects that will lead to Sales drivethe business. What advices would you give a new boss? Think beforse you act. Consider the company mission and strategy before committing.
If you are not sure … say, “Let’s sleep on this before we decide.” You’ve just been given $100,000 to donate to charity. Which and why? I wouldr donate it to the . They support many programs that are importan tto me, from helping people here in the Tri-Statee area who are in need, to the development of programs and activitiezs that support the Jewish community, to the support of the statde of Israel. What is your definition of a miserablwe life? Where you have no say in the direction your life is takingyou – basically a life lacking freedom. Of you have to manage this for Describe yourperfect life.
The perfecr life to me is one wheremy relatives, business associates and friends are healthy, happyt and have the freedom to pursu e their dreams. What is the best book you’v ever read? “The Grapes of Wrath,” by John Steinbeck. The perseverancee of men and womenh in spite of overwhelming obstacles and the ultimatd development ofcharacter … are an inspiration. How do you most like to spendd money? I do not actually like to spende money! … However, I grew up the son of real estatde brokers, so I learned early on to invest in There is something solid and lasting aboutowningh land. What scares you?
From a business perspective, I am most scared by failure or success. I do not like to fail ... it is no fun. success means you have more challenges. … The key is to preparse for anything.

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