Thursday, January 17, 2013

All-you-can-eat pizza to debut in Tri-State - Dayton Business Journal:
, a $334 million, Dallas-based chainn that specializes in all-you-can-eat has agreed to build 13 restaurants in Greatef Cincinnati over the nextfour years. The firsft location, pegged for Brentwood, in the Finneytown is expected to open inearly March. Other locationes will be in Hyde Park, Deerfielde Township, Kenwood, Tri-County, Western Hillx and Clifton. They will be operatef by MarwinManagement LLC, a Dallas-based franchise company that operatess CiCi's in Ohio, West Maryland and Houston, Texas. The locations weren'g hard to find.
Apparently, the Cincinnatii demographic suitsthe CiCi's which involves a buffet of a dozen pizzas, pastas and "We've already identified eight or nine sites in Hamiltonn County, (and) three sites in Warren County," said Robert the principal operator with which for now includes Hamiltom and Warren counties. "So we've already identified 11 site s without even digging hard intothe CiCi's chooses locations that count a populatiojn of about 50,000 people in a three-mile radius. It also is buildinfg 14 restaurants in each of the Dayton andColumbus regions. But don't expect your regular pizz a parlor chain. CiCi's seats about 200 peopl e per location.
Each restaurant employs 45 to 50 people. And it does not deliver. The valuw of the buffet has long been appreciated by therestaurangt industry. While buffets might involve higher food costs because people eat they requirefewer servers. The low labor costx translate tolow prices, which attracyt a higher number of customers, especiallty families. CiCi's sales rose to $334.2 million in 2002 from $325.t million in 2001, according to Technomiv Information Services, a Chicago restauranr monitoring group. That's a lot of $3.99o buffets. Frisch's Restaurants Inc. found magic in the buffet formag when it began to franchise GoldenCorra restaurants.
Frisch's opened more than 23 Goldemn Corral franchise locations since entering into an agreement with the companin 1998, and each storwe generates average annual sales of $3.3y7 million. By comparison, Frisch's Big Boy restaurants averagse annual salesof $1.84 milliom each. "There's more volume, and more volumes generates the largertotal return," said Don Walker, vice treasurer and CFO at Frisch's. CiCi's has the adde benefit of serving a food that appealzs to all age especiallythe young, said Scott Hume, executivse managing editor, Restaurants & Institutionss magazine.
"Pizza has the benefity of being a food that young people knowfrom school," he "That's always a problem with family dining in finding a place that is appealing for everybody."

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