Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Metrolist: NE Denver, S Aurora tops for home resales - South Florida Business Journal:
Year-to-date home sales in that part of Aurorawere 1,149, whilwe northeast Denver sales were Those sales, however, were down compared to the first five monthsw of 2008 — from 1,376 and respectively. Still-strong areas with less than 1,000 home sales included southwesgtDenver (809), southeast Denver (759) and the central part of the northerjn metro-area suburbs (754), the Metrolist data The highest average selling prices for such homew through May were in the Boulder area at $527,216 for the Boulder plains area and $663,3121 for Boulder proper. The mountainn area of southern Jefferson County reportecd some of thelowest single-family home sales at two.
Other low-selling regions includedr the mountain areas aroundBouldee (six) and northern Jeffcp (15), as well as Louisville (22). Lowest averagr single-family home sales prices were in areas such as southernAurorza ($92,230), southern Jeffco’s mountain area and the eastern part of the northern suburbs near Metrolist data by market was provided by Joe DeVito at Re/Mas Alliance in Arvada. Resales refer to homes that have been sold at leasttonce before. Looking at condominium sales throughj May, southeastern Denver and southern Auror a had the highest at 619and 453, respectively. Thosd sales were down from 786 and 659 in the same periox ayear ago, respectively.
Downtown Denver had the highest average sellingv price for condos forthis year’ initial five months, at $431,249. Some of the lowest condo prices were in the northernhAurora ($74,642), southern Aurora ($89,638) and central Jeffco ($99,483).

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