"I don't know that I could commif to a season said Hauser of his onlinepurchasinyg habits. "The staff at VIP and I get to know each othere pretty well during football and hockey seasons." That relationship is likelyt to be both long and Six of the eight home games for the upcomingb season are already sold out. But whilre the box office is bare, Hauserr knows there are tickets out there in Loadsof 'em. Sites such as VIPseats.com, .com and provides an abundance of choices of seat locations andtickett listings. Want to sit in the end zone? The nosebleeds? 50-yard-line? How many do you need? A pair, two pair? Two hundreed pair? No trouble.
Among the firsft three Bills games to sell out were the 9 season opener against the Denver the Sept. 30 game againstf the New York Jets, and an Oct. 8 Mondag night game against theDallaw Cowboys. On Aug. 17, StubHub had 2,216 ticketsw available for theDenver game, 2,834 for the Jets and 2,575 for the Monday nighter. For all eighy Bills home games, StubHub listingx totaled 25,552, enough to fill more than a thir d of RalphWilson Stadium. TicketsNow boasted 16,5589 listings, and VIPseats, 15,925. While these totals seem Della Giammusso, co-owner of , said seats listed at one brokee site are also listedon others. So it's difficulg to get an exact counttof what's really available.
To arrive at a final numbed wouldbe overwhelming. Brokers, wholesalers and distributords post tickets ontoa network, which then get listed to multiple sites like hers. "They're all linked together," said Giammusso of the network, whichb allows her Williamsville-based company to list tickets for eventsw overseas such as soccerand rugby. "Tickets listec on our site are also listeeon StubHub, and vice versa." The volume gives only an idea of what'es available. Think of a listing as an ad that gets repeates inmultiple places. Each listing should be considere d an opportunityto buy, not an actual tickeft inventory.
"We're a middle man, per se," said Giammusso. "Sop if you're looking at our site, you can comparer our price tosomeone else's. Some peopl e may have posted the ticket to our site and markex up the price10 percent. The same ticke t may be more expensivd onother sites, based on where the posting originated." As an on Aug. 20, a pair of end zone seats for the Denver game insection 143, row 31 on StubHu b goes for $156. The same seatsw on VIPseats totals $162.
According to the Buffalo Bills Web these seats originallycost $46 each, or $92 for the The high quantities of tickets posted online may be one reason why so many gamew are sold out for a team that hasn't made the playoffz in seven years. Consumers are shut out at the box Supply decreases, while demand and pricwe increase. But is the secondary ticket market impactin gthe Bills' ability to market to an appropriate demographic or customer? "The industry is still so new that we are unabled to determine at this time the true impact of how the secondar y market will affect us," said Scotft Berchtold, vice president of communications for the Buffaloi Bills.
"It is something that we continue to monitor and in whichy we have a strong interest inresearcb data." So much so that the like other pro franchises, have gotten into the re-selling game. The Billsz are in the first year of an exclusive partnershipl with to offer seats on thesecondaru market. At , fans lookint for seats to sold out games can buy Just like atbroker sites, similad listings appear at TicketExchange, a service offered through Ticketmaster. No fees are chargede to sellers unless a sale is Other links allow fans to connect with othera whoare selling, or participatr in Bills ticket auctions. Estimates have taggee the U.S.
secondary ticket market as a $3 billiomn industry. In June, Gov. Eliot Spitzer signed a law that eliminateas the ceiling for ticketsbeinvg re-sold, but required ticket brokers to be licensedf by the state, and prohibited organizations from regulatinyg the resale of season tickets.
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