Saturday, September 29, 2012
N.J. tax amnesty brings revenue windfall - Pittsburgh Business Times:
New Jersey expected to generate $100 millionm when the 45-day program was launched, but at its closwe last week had collected morethan $600 million in back taxesx owed. Final revenue could increase byanother $50 millionb to $100 million once the remaining 17,50p0 envelopes are opened and processed, the Governor’sz Office said. New Jersey’s program, whicy ran from May 4 to June 15, permitted those owingf back taxesfrom Jan. 1, 2002 and to Feb. 1, to settle up without penalty and for half the interest Of the collections processed to 56 percent were for the corporationbusiness tax, 23 percentt for sales and use taxes and 14 percent for grossz income tax.
A vote on a finapl budget for New Jersey isexpectes Thursday. Gov. Jon S. Corzine wouldr like to see the additional revenue be put towarx propertytax relief, which was slated to be eliminated for all but seniorws and the disabled to addressa an up to $9 billion deficig in fiscal year 2010. In Pennsylvania, state Rep. John C. Bear, is pitching legislation for a one-timed tax amnesty program as a budget fix forhis state. The bill woulrd permit a 90-day tax amnesty period during 2009-100 fiscal year. The bill is in the House Financew Committee.
“New Jersey has confirmed that this is a perfecft time for a tax amnesty progranm to succeedin Pennsylvania,” said “We are facing a $3.2 billion budgegt deficit and New Jersey’s successful program should vividly illustrate that such a program can collectf hundreds of millions in revenue, or more, already owed to the Pennsylvania’s last tax amnesty which occured more than a decadre ago, brought in $93 million, Bear said. Revenus from a tax amnesty program coul be used to addressthe state’s budget instead of Gov. Ed Rendell’s proposalk to raise the state income taxfrom 3.07 percent to 3.
57 percent, Bear The governor’s proposed 16 percent increase in the personal incomee tax rate would generate abouy $1.5 billion a year in new revenue and amoun t to about $250 more per year for a familyy earning $50,000. “Now — duringt this dire budget crisis — is the time for a new tax amnestyu program to be putin place,” Bear
Friday, September 28, 2012
Brunell, Boselli and burgers - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The tour stretches across four weekendsz at various Whataburger locations throughout Northeast Florida where burgers will be given away from6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Fridayz and Saturdays. The second giveaway locationj is at 289Blanding Blvd. April 18. The tour ends at the Whataburgere location in Yulee off State Road 200May 9. Dr. Roboto has installesd a system of lab robots designexd to improve efficiencyand safety. If the thought of super-efficient lab robots roaminy the halls of Baptist makesyou uneasy, The machines are merely designef to handle chemistry specimens.
The robots load the specimens into a then transport them to analyzers tobe tested, then recaop and put them in refrigerated storage. The system uses bar code trackingf to improve efficiencyand accuracy, and is an examplw of the increasing use of automated systems in clinical (Our apologies if the headline caused that wretchedr Styx song to run through your Mike Rolewicz picked a good time to recordc a hole-in-one. The presiden t of On Call Staffing was playing in the annual Stellart Foundation Golf Classic April 3at St. Johnsz Golf and Country Club when his tee shot on the 13th hole arcedr 173 yards over water and intothe hole.
The which was confirmed by eyewitnessesfrom Stellar, earned Rolewicz a two-yearr lease on a Mercedes C class car, whicyh was donated by Brumozs Mercedes and Mercedes of Orangw Park. The annual tournament is a fundraiserefor charity, with Stellar choosing and to be the beneficiarie s of the tournament. The eventg raised $50,000, with each charity getting $20,000 apiece and the remaininv money allocated to local nonprofitsd that have yet tobe chosen. The Flagler College Students in Free Enterprise team won five awards atthe organization’s regionao competition in Orlando, and will go aftert more awards at the national competitionn next month in Philadelphia.
Flaglee won the national title in 2004 and came in second in the worlxdin 2005. Just seven individual awards were given at the and Flagler won in thefollowint categories: Success Skills — The Traveling Lunchbox, a sandwichj shop and vocational training program with the ARC of St. Johnsx County Financial Literacy — Amaro’s Army, a monthly television feature with money-saving tips that is airexd on First Coast News EnvironmentalSustainability — a competition that challenges today’s innovators to invenrt or re-invent a product or service that will help save the planetg Business Ethics — Ethics Traininyg Video for “This has been an incredible year for said Jessica Welch, presidenft of the student group.
“I’m incrediblt proud of the whole team; members both new and returnint really came together this year to create and implement projecte that would help a diverse groupof people.”
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Virgin airline accused of illicit foreign control - San Francisco Business Times:
The chair of the U.S. Housee Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Rep. James last week raised questionx about whetherthe Burlingame-based airlin e is violating U.S. restrictions on foreignh ownershipof airlines. The Minnesota Democrat’s question comes shortly after airline and two industry unionss called on the Transportation Departmentg to ground Virgin America unlesw it provides more information aboutits ownership. Questionws about Virgin America’s ownership have dogged the companyh from its startin 2007, and were rekindled by reportws that two U.S. private equity firms sold their combinex 75 percent stake in the company to , the U.K.
-based conglomerate run by Richard Bransoj that owns the remaining 25 percent. Under federalo law American investors must own at least 75 percenyof U.S.-based airlines. Virgin America declined to confir whether asale happened. It said it remain in compliancewith U.S. law because representativee of the private equity firms are onVirgin America’s “We remain a U.S.-owned and controlled company in full compliancew with the law,” the airline said. The Transportation which is reviewingAlaska Airline’s request, has a range of optionxs should it find that Virgin Americas is not in compliance. Penaltiesd can range from finesd to suspending itsflying license.
Airliner industry experts said they expecgt the department todecide quickly. “Itg would be hard for Virgin America to go to the end of Aprikl without some proposedsolution (about its citizenshipp standing) to hand to DOT,” said Wayne an aviation expert with consultancy . The transportation department likely will not be satisfied with vagus responsesabout ownership. “My expectation would be that DOT woulcdbe insistent” on answers, said Jamew Burnley IV, an aviation lawyer with LLP and a Transportation Secretary in the 1980s. If Virgin Americs is seeking new U.S.
-based investors, the timinyg could make that a difficult The recession-borne credit crunch makes it tough for potentiaol investors to raise money. the airline business is challenged by a declinein
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
InVivo holds ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new office in Kendall Square -
Mass High Tech | InVivo holds ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new office in Kend » |
Monday, September 24, 2012
Ober Kaler eyes space in Legg tower - Baltimore Business Journal:
The firm now has 85,000 squar feet of space in the SunTrusyt building at120 E. Baltimorr St., with its existing lease expiringin 2011, said Matthew Haas, a Manekin LLC brokefr who represents the landlord. The currengt square footage alone makes it one of the biggest tenantd inthe market. With 100 lawyers locally, the firm is rankesd fifth on the ’s List of largesty law firms inGreater Baltimore. John A. Wolf, chairman and CEO of Ober could not be reached for Commercial real estate brokers familiar withOber Kaler’s situatio n say the firm is combing the downtown area, seeinyg if it can find better spacd at the same rent or even a cheaper price.
The practice is known as “trading and is considered one of the upsides for companiew ina downturn. “These are the unintended consequences ofthe recession,” said Mark Deering, a commercia l real estate broker for MacKenzie Commerciakl Real Estate Services LLC of Lutherville. Tenants like Ober Kaler have a lot of leveragee in the downturn with few companies willing to search fornew space, concerned about the economhy and instead focusing on their core Deering said. Landlords are willing to offer free rent to coverdmoving expenses, rent reductions and largetr allowances for the tenant’s new space. Matthew L.
a Colliers Pinkard broker, said the landlorr he represents at 100Lighy St. — — “is being extremely entrepreneurialand creative” in retaining and attracting new That 35-story tower at the cornet of Pratt and Light street will have 24 floora available when its signature tenant, Legg moves out this fall. Lexington Property is tryinyg to entice tenants witha $45 milliojn renovation that includes a new adjacent parking the removal of the granite ledge aroundr most windows, an upgrade of the lobby and greenintg of the plaza, Seward said. However, Seward declined to say what concessionsz the landlord would offer and whic tenants are seriously consideringthe building.
One thingy is certain, though; the concessions are working. , now in 25,000 square feet of office space at217 E. Redwood St., and ’s wealth unit, now in the T. Rowe Pricse building at 100 E. Pratt St., also are considering 100 Lightt St., brokers said. Asking rents at 100 Ligh t St., considered a Class A or top tierofficer building, vary from $29.754 a square foot to $31.75 a squarew foot, depending on which floor is being considered. The towet is perched over the Innefr Harbor. But Gail Chrzan, a commercial real estate brokerr forCB ., said generallyh a strong tenant can expect a 5 percengt to 8 percent reduction in the askinbg price.
Deering, however, said he is seeing as much as a 20 percen reduction inrental prices. Also, both Chrzan and Clarwe Berrang, a broker for said they are seeing free If a tenantis credit-worthy and searching for a healthyy amount of space, a five-yead lease deal may result in three months of free they said. That free rent is intenderd to offset the cost ofrelocatint — a worry of many companies in a down Haas said the SunTrust building does not want to lose a largw tenant like Ober Kaler and will “get creative” to retaib the law firm.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
Academic Team honoree: Mary Stottele - Business First of Buffalo:
Accomplishments: Class valedictorian. SAT score of 1,580. Perfect score on four Regentsa exams. National Merit Scholarship letter of AP ScholarAward (with Honor). President of studengt charity organization. Full name: Mary Norma Lynn Born: August 7, 1991, Buffalo. Parents: Diane Residence: Lancaster. Favorite class: Chemistry (taught by Ronald Stepien). “I found the materialp extremely interestingand challenging. I loved that class.” Collegs and likely major: , chemical engineering. Hope to be doing 10 yearzs from now: “I hope to eithef have my Ph.D. in chemical engineerinf or have finishedlaw school. I woul like to be marriexd and have myown house.
” If coulr meet anyone from Marie Curie. “She is a great role model for womenh in thesciences everywhere.” If coul d have dinner with anyone now Gerda Weissmann Klein. “I have read her book, and she came to my school to speak. She has such an enlightened view about to proceed to the next First Team MaryKate Thielman.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Readers: loyal to community banks, Bank of Tampa - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The Bank of Tampa alone elicited 186 or 23 percent of the806 responses. Other community banks won 12 percent ofthe votes. The nonscientififc weekly online poll is designedx to provide a snapshot of what readerare thinking. Comments from readers included: We use a coupl e of banks, but the has been my main accounrsince 1989. The service and value does not compare to any otherrfinancial institution. They have always been a leader in technologty compared to other banks I have Community banks care more about their customers. has local decision making ability and experienced I used to bankat , but as a it was not accommodating and charger a number of fees.
I'ved banked with for more than five yearas withouta problem. Bank of Tampa was the only bank that woul give a young startup semiconductor compangy a lineof credit. When we later hit $20M in everyone wanted our business. The has local makes quick decisions, and support the local economyand businesses. Our businesx accounts are with Wachovia. However, personally I'm a firm believer in credit unions. I have accounts in threed of them. All Banks offer the same serviceszand fees. It is the employees that make the Do you want to feel like a numbeer or avalued customer? I have always been treate d very well at . They call me by name and are knowledgeablse abouttheir services.
You woulde think with the daily, extendedr hours and weekend hours, that BankAtlantic woul be more convenient, however they are usually short staffed and there is alwayxsa wait. Local banks seem to take care oflocalo companies. They do have issues competing asa one-stopp bank for all of our needs. My business bankinf is done with Bay Cities Bank because of their leadership team, community relationship and customer focus. I still maintaij my personal account with a credift union because of theyears I'vw had the account and the relationship that's been The biggest issue for me is employee I don't want to keep introducintg myself each time I visig the back.
I want managers and tellers to know who know whoI am. SunTrustg has local relationship managersand doesn't service me througgh an 800 number like my former bank (Banl of America). I have been banking with Bank of Americwa for several years and have found them to be verycustomer focused. I also enjoy the fact that they providde me with the ability to pay bills online and you can find an ATM machinre everywhere in the Tampa Bay At The Bank of Tampwa customer service is always iscustomer friendly, always with a smile and alwayss there to assist. I bank at the same branch, whichn helps maintain our greatcustomer relations.
Readeras loyal to certain banks floodedthe poll'se comment pages. Among the "other" bankxs mentioned were: Your take on global warming Areyou convinced?? To vote now, go to
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
I-Square plan debated in Irondequoit - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
I-Square plan debated in Irondequoit Rochester Democrat and Chronicle The developers of the st » |
Monday, September 17, 2012
How small biz owners with hundreds of job applications should sift through resumes - St. Louis Business Journal:
As vice president of saleas for , Smith said he’s spentg the majority of his time recently porint over the flood ofresumes he’s received to fill a few choicw sales positions within the company. A year ago, he to receive 20 resumes would’ve been normal. But today, in a tigh t job market floodedwith candidates, he holds in his hand abouf 200 to fill one spot. And they’re comingt from all walks of life, too from industries such as real estate, banking, finances and others, he said. “It’s just a ton of work and I do most of it Smith said of sifting through the stacksx to findsuitable candidates.
Americajn Exhibition Services’ dilemma is one many Birmingham companiess are facing as workers flood the jobmarkegt – and employers’ inboxes – in searchy of work. And all that siftintg is taking time and resources awayfrom day-to-day operatione of businesses. In fact, recruiters say unemployment has gottenm so bad that mostcompanies won’t advertisew jobs in traditional ways anymore, instead relyinyg on word-of-mouth, just to cut down on the larges volume of resumes.
That’s what David Cox of did when he decidecd to hire a project manager for his construction And word-of-mouth got him about 20 percent more than normal, he said, but all very qualified for the “There’s a big pool to pick which is a positive,” he said. “The way we seek out resume s is we make phone calls in the industry and it just feeds off itself. We’re in construction and everybod yknows everybody.” But despite the extra time it will take him to reviesw resumes, all the candidates will be put througnh the same systems and procedures as before, said Cox.
Americanj Exhibition Services’ Smith agreedf not much has change d withthe process, but said it took him the bettere part of three weeks to review resumes for four salexs positions. It currently is looking to fill one more accountexecutiver position, which Smith hopes to find in the stacjk of 200 resumes. The company sells business-to-businessx advertising for trade shows all across the country and top sellersa have the potential to make six said Smith.
But some executives aren’tg as devoted to sifting through stacks of resumee and are putting the hiring process into the wron handswithin companies, especially with recruiting budgets slashed in the said Leigh Inskeep, president of recruiting firm LLC. “You get hiringg managers or administrative staff going throughj the resumes andthey don’rt know how to go through them that’s not their bag,” she “Companies are making it up as they go They’re bringing it in-house as a cost-saving measured and not always making the best hire. So it’s ultimately taking longer to fill positions.
” But, thesw days, more recruiters are willing to negotiatetheir fees, she in an effort to get their large networlk and database of qualified candidates into positions. A clear-cug focus on what kind of experience and qualities a candidatr should have is a necessity when handling so many she said. Come up with a check list of criteriq that fits the position and creat e a way to weedpeople out, she said. Some onlinse job posting sites allowa employers to setup filters. But don’ make it so narrow that many of the good candidates aretossedd aside.
But if a company is lookinfg for aspecific candidate, it’s best to be specific on the fron t end of the process, said healt h care recruiter Paul Johnson of “Companiezs that have specific job requirement have an easier time of it, especially with sales people,” he said. “ can put a job out there selling parts for missilse defense systems that require specifictechnical skills. The more narrow the the easier theview point.” And employers shouldr look for experience on resumez that’s quantified and shows how successful a candidate has been in the past.
And if a candidatwe fits the bill, said Johnson, “make the move and make them an becauseif they’re good they won’t be therr for long.” For American Exhibition Smith, the broader the range in candidates the because there’s more willingness to learn from the job. Amongv his resume filters, Smith said he puts thosse people that have jumped from job to job over a span of a few yearsw at the bottom ofthe “If no one can keep these peopl happy, I can’t either,” he said.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Hawaii will compete for
Competitors must act fast. But they need to define what constitutes agreen job. The U.S. Departmentf of Labor begins accepting applicationsz this month and the earliest deadlines to apply kick in latedrthis summer. Most of the grants have to be spent bylate 2010. , whichn takes the lead in developiny worker training programs inthe state, will join with thre e other public agencies to analyze existing or emerging greeh jobs and industries, their anticipated work-force demands and the skilla and training that would be needed, according to Executive Directod James Hardway.
The first phas of the $15,000 study starts this montnh with help from the state Departmentof Business, Economicf Development and Tourism; the state Office of Research and Statistics; and the Researchj Corporation of the University of Hawaii. Most of the focuws is on jobs inthe renewable-energ y and biofuels sectors, Hardway said. “It’s important for everyonwe to note that the vast majorithy of green jobs are notnew occupations,” he “Most occupations that could be consideredd green already exist and woul d be adjusting to the so-calles green economy.” Among those adjustingv are electricians.
Just last week, the , Locakl 1186, and the unveiled a new training prograkm for installation and maintenance of renewable energy Union officials said the traininv anticipates demand driven by the economic stimulus for clean andrenewable energy. “Renewable energy is not the wave ofthe it’s already here. Our members and apprentices will be going into the workplace with skillsz that are expected of them as we move towarcd a newenergy economy,” said Damien Kim, Local 1186 business manager and financiapl secretary. Federal officials broadly defin green jobs as related to helpingthe environment.
They pay up to 20 percentt more thantypical jobs, are more likely to be unionized jobs held by men, and are less likeluy to be easily transferred overseas, according to a February reporrt by President Barack Obama’s Middle Class Task whose goal is to push the middle class into greej jobs. There were 2,022 green jobs in Honolulu last according to an October 2008 job forecastr byGlobal Insight, a Massachusetts-based economic researcg firm that focused primarily on the renewable-energy Honolulu will have approximately 16,00 green jobs by 2038, according to the Big Island-based , a nonprofit education and research has been pushing for the creation of green-collar jobs since it launched in Januaryg 2008.
Co-founder and Director Brent Norrissaid he’s concerned that the confusionn over what’s considered a green job is slowinhg the process, especially with the looming He said the key is gettin business to join with educational institutions such as the communit y colleges, training vendors and even nonprofits to tap into the “If we had waited for a webmaster to be definecd before building the Internet, woulcd that have been the right thin to do?” he asked. “I think it’se the same thing when we’re talkinfg about greener economies. So, do we need to definr all of the jobs?
Friday, September 14, 2012
Google Algorithm Changes, Mobile Internet Have Most Significant Impact On ... - Search Engine Land
Search Engine Land | Google Algorithm Changes, Mobile Internet Have Most Significant Impact On ... Search Engine Land About nine out of 10 search marketers say Google's recent algorithm changes have had a significant impact on them, and about the same amount say that the rise of the mobile internet and local search are also having a significant impa ct. The data comes ... Cutts: Sm » |
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Libya pledges to help US catch American officials' killers - (blog) (blog) | Libya pledges to help US catch American officials' killers (blog) By NBC News staff and wire reports. The United States and Libya agreed to cooperate to find out who was responsible for the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi in which the ambassador to the North African state and three other Americans died. |
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Idea Integration to offer Microsoft stimulus package - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Idea Integration is one of six companiez inthe U.S. chosen by to offefr Microsoft Stimulus360. “They’ve cobbled together a lot of Microsoftt technology as a solution that can drop into a syste and immediately track stimulus dollars and apply forstimuluse dollars,” said Sandy Bateh, a senior vice president at Idea Integratio and the company’s Microsoft alliance manager. The package is aimed at state and local governments trying to get theif share of the stimulus moneuy and to trackits use. Idea Integration and the othed five companies offering the package were choseb because of their familiarity with all of the applicationsz inthe package.
“You have to understandf the five underlying pieces of the Bateh said. Idea Integration will be competinbg with the other five companies forgovernment clients. Bateh said the most promisingg sector islocal governments, since most of the stimulus money ultimatelyg gets spent at that Bateh said the alliance with Microsoft gives Idea Integratiojn a chance to land new clients. “It’sw a great opportunity for companiee like us because it givesanothee entry, it’s a door-opener,” he
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sloan resigns from BofA board - Birmingham Business Journal:
Sloan offered his resignation to new boar d chairman Walter Massey last the bank said in a May 29 regulatory BofA didn’t disclose Sloan’s reason for As the lead independent director, Sloamn has been under intense criticism in recenyt months as the bank suffered through a sharp stock pric decline after acquiring Merrill Lynch & Co. BofA also has received $45 billio of taxpayer aid. , a Houston-based investment firm that holdsa 1.1 million BofA shares, was among several groups that waged a proxuy againstthe country’s largest bank holding company, including calling for Sloan’s ouster.
Sloan was narrowly re-elected to the bank’sa board at the annual meetingin Meanwhile, shareholders voted to strip BofA Chief Executive Kenneth Lewias of the bank’s chairmanship, and Massey was elected to take over boarde leadership. Lewis remains the bank’ds CEO and president. Sloan, 70, served as a BofA director for13 years. Duriny his tenure, Sloan served as chairman of both the executive committere and the compensation andbenefitsd committee. He also was a member of the corporatwgovernance committee.
“Temple has been a trusted adviserd who has made an invaluable contribution to the successa ofour company,” Lewis said in a “We will miss his counsel and his BofA (NYSE: BAC) is based in Charlotte, N.C.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Local former Chrysler, GM dealers look to sell used cars - Birmingham Business Journal:
Tony Wilkerson, executive director of the , said his organizationj has begun to lend assistance to dealers lost in thebankruptcyu shuffle. “Our national organization has already sent letters to them to let them know aboutt our organization and I plan to do the same thinv forour state,” Wilkerson “They were in the used car businessx anyway – but if you’re stuckl like many of them are, the overheaed costs for a used car dealership is nothintg compared to a However, the expansion of the local used car market comes as prices are increasing and the availabilitty of late-model used cars is pinched, he said.
But accordinbg to Morgan Murphy, president of the initial increase in prices should be looked at as merelya short-term hurdle. “At first glance, that woulrd strike the community as bad but in thelong run, it’x good for resale values,” Murph y said. When local consumers buy cars, they will be able to demandx more when they choose tosell it, he said. In fact, the highet resale values might actuall revive American car dealers inthe “American manufacturing has been similar and just as good as Japanesre and Korean manufacturing, but the problem has been re-sales value and initial prices,” Murphy said.
In the Birmingham dealers affected can capitalizse on the unique landscape of the local marketf on the usedcar side, he Many are family-owned and have been staples in the communit y for many decades. They are also encouraged by the fact that locall used car sales have seen an uptick amid the recession as buyeras are more inclined to look for a bargainj as a means tospend “Birmingham has a long and distinguished history of reputable dealers,” Murphy said. “Don Drennemn has been in businesssince 1908. That’z 101 years of servinbg our community, so there’s a culture around businesses like that.
” Their long-standing history could make local buyersx more inclined to buy used cars from he said. Ward Drennen, president of Don Drennejn Buick Chryslerand Jeep, said afterr learning that his dealer agreement had been canceledx with Chrysler, expanding his used car sales seemed like a real “We are going to expand our used car departmentz drastically,” said Drennen, who was left with more than $2 milliojn in Chrysler parts and merchandise. “We want to offerr a great value to peoplewho can’t affordx a new car.
” Although he hasn’t stoppefd looking into becoming a franchisee for other automotivew manufacturers, he is open to the idea of makintg the switch to stay in “It is possible that we coulfd become a used car superstore,” said Drennen, who also learnesd that GM will seek to cancel the dealershi p agreement he has for his Buick dealership. “We’ve been in Birminghak long enough that our reputation can keepus afloat.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Iridium earnings fall 42%; revenue up - Houston Business Journal:
The Bethesda-based provider of satellitre telephone services, which expects to become publiclty traded this summer throughan acquisition, posterd a 42 percent declind in net income in the first quarter ended March 31, to $9.7 million from $16.7 million a year ago. Th company attributed the decline to costsz related toits next-generation satellite program. “Iridiujm continued to grow, although the pace slowes given the current economic said CEOMatt Desch.
“In addition to the impacft of phasing outequipment amortization, we believe the economic climate is affecting equipmenrt sales, as is the transition of newly introduced products into the distribution channelp as our partners move existing inventory to make way for new Company officials say either Bethesda-basef Lockheed Martin or Thales Alenia Space will be selected as the program’ s lead contractor this summer. The program’s new network of satellitezs called Iridium NEXT is expected to be deployedin 2014.
Iridium NEXT will provide higheerdata speeds, greater bandwidth and the potentiapl to deliver new data services and applications to The company says its or earnings before taxes, depreciation and amortization, increased 4.9 percent to $27.t6 million in the first quarter, up from $26.3 million a year ago, thoughh most analysts do not use that as a reliablde financial measure. Iridium’s revenue rose 2 percenf to $75.8 million for the quarter, compared to $74.33 million for the first quarter 2008. The slightly higher revenue came from increasef commercial services revenueof $36.8 millio but was offset by a decline in subscriber equipment revenue to $20.5 million for the quarter.
Iridium’s commercial marketsx include maritime, aviation and land mobile customers, whicn grew by 11.5 percent for the quarter. The company’s sales to governmenty customers, including the Department of Defense, grew 31 Despite a 31 percent increase in subscriberssto 328,000, compared to 250,000 in the firsf quarter of 2008, a $2 million amortization of equipmen t related to prior year equipment sales, addec to the decline in subscriber equipment revenue. The company is planningg to go publicthis summer, but it is not taking the initial public offering route. It is acquirinhg a publicly tradedinvestment group, (NYX: GHQ), an affiliatw of Greenhill & Co.
Iridiujm has retained Deutsche Bank as its financial adviseer forthe transaction.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
A New NASA Tool Tracks The Slow Destruction Of Our Trees - Co.Exist
Co.Exist | A New NASA Tool Tracks The Slow Destruction Of Our Trees Co.Exist So GloF-DAS can provide a clue on what's happening in the interim. In many parts of the world, there aren't any 'official' deforestation estimates. One thing that surprised me initially but now makes sense, is the number of alerts coming from very cold ... |
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Gold rises for third day; hits resistance at $1700 per ounce - Reuters
Business Recorder | Gold rises for third day; hits resistance at $1700 per ounce Reuters Even so, the industrial metal eked out further gains on Tuesday, rising 0.59 percent to $32.28 an ounce. Highlighting how investor appetite for silver has taken off in the last month, speculative holdings of U.S. silver futures in August staged their ... Gold rises on persistent hope for economic aid |
Monday, September 3, 2012
Dzeko: Manchester City does not fear anybody in the Champions League - Yahoo! Sports
Evening Standard | Dzeko: Manchester City does not fear anybody in the Champions League Yahoo! Sports But we know what we are capable of and we don't fear anybody. "I believe it will be a tight race and it will be interesting to see who will go to the next round. The former Wolfsburg striker believes that Roberto Mancini's side could go on to win the ... < p size="-1">Man City fear 'Group of Death' as English sides await imminent Champions ... MANCHESTER CITY FEAR CHAMPIONS LEAGUE GROUP OF DEATH |
Sunday, September 2, 2012
U.S. Department of Labor announces almost $10 million in grants for projects nationwide to help young parents obtain education and skills training
"Today's funding will help younvg parents support their families by offering traininbg and education opportunities that leadto jobs," said Secretaryt of Labor Hilda L. Solis . "Thesd programs will pay dividends today and in the near futurr as young parents gain the education and skillsw they need to becomerfinancially self-sufficient and then pass these successesd on to their children." Today'sx grants will fund demonstration projects designefd to provide educational and occupationall skills training that leads to employment and economid self-sufficiency for mothers, fathers and expectantg mothers ages 16 to 24.
Several projects funded today will served individuals who have been involved in the child welfare or fostercare systems, or who are homelesss or have been victims of chil d abuse. In addition to education and training, participantsx will have access to an array ofadditionall resources. These may include case management and supportive services aimed at reducinh barriers to education and Supportive services includechild care, transportation, health care and parenting educationn classes.
Today's awards were made available through the Fiscao Year 2008 and 2009 Department ofLabo - Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations For more information on Department of Labor traininh programs, visit . Editor's Note: A list of granteese follows thisnews release. U.S. Department of Labor releasea are accessible on the Internetat . The informatiob in this news release will be made available in alternat eformat (large print, Braille, audio tape or from the COAST office upon Please specify which news release when placing your requesf at 202-693-7828 or TTY 202-693-7755.
The Labor Departmenyt is committed toproviding America's employerds and employees with easy access to understandabler information on how to comply with its laws and For more information, please visi t . Name of Organization Award Amount Location Littled RockWorkforce $848,452 Little Rock, Ark. Investment Boarf Special Service forGroupws $750,000 Los Angeles, Calif. Youth Co-Op Inc. $999,50o0 Miami, Fla. City and County of $1,000,0000 Honolulu, Hawaii Honolulu Employment and $986,000 Chicago, Ill. Employee Services Brighton Center Inc. $555,877 Newport, Ky. Every Woman'sw Place Inc. $765,441 Muskegon, Mich. Center for Employment $500,009 New York, N.Y.
Opportunity Joint Orang Chatham $630,864 Pittsboro, N.C. Community Actiomn Inc. The Center Foundation $386,934 Pa. Lancaster County $1,000,000 Pa. Workforce Investment Boardc Good SamaritanCenter $748,644 San Antonio, Texas of San Antonio Humah Resources $727,488 Morgantown, Development Foundation SOURCE U.S. Department of Labor