Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Sinclair Broadcast Group
The rating agency put the Hunt Valleu company on anegative outlook, meaning therw are concerns its positiojn could worsen. S&P cited sluggish ad spendinbg in a recession andnonelection year, plus high debt risk for the The downgrade makes it more expensive for the company to borroe money. Sinclair (NASDAQ: SBGI) operates 58 TV stationds across the country but has also investeed morethan $180 millio in other assets, such as real estate, over the past two S&P analysts said. And they were concerned aboutf debt fromthose purchases. The ratio of the company’s debtw to its earnings was 6.3 times as of Marchj 31, according to S&P.
It would need to bring that beloa 6 times to return toa BB- negative rating. But S&P expectss that ratio could hit 7 timez laterthis year. Sinclair posted an $86 millionb loss in the first quarter ofthe year, largelty on a $130 million non-cash Its revenue fell 17 percent that quartef because of declining loca l and national ad revenue.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Cincinnati corporations racking up writedowns - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The one-time charges againsg earnings – which represent the writedownof acquisition-related goodwill and other assetd on local balance sheets are another painful indicator of how the economic downturn is zapping local wealth. While investors in these firms likely are not surpriser bythe disclosures, the size of the writedowns makez them hard for anyone to ignore: $965M for Fifth Third ’s goodwill impairment charge of $965 or $1.
64 per share, came after the decline in the bank’s stoco price caused a “difference between market capitalizatiohn and book value” of the The company also took $82 million in non-cash impairmenr charges related to securities, bank-owned life insurances policies and indemnification obligations with credit card compan y Visa. $374.5M for Chiquita took a $374.5 million goodwill impairment chargew to write down the valuw ofits $855 million investment in the produce companyu . CEO Fernando Aguirre blamed “economic conditionds and lower category growth for thedownward adjustment.
$110M for Cincinnati Financia ltook $110 million in “other-than-temporary impairment charges” in the fourth quartedr and $510 million in such charges for the year, sayinv the reduced value of equith securities accounted for 65 percentg of the charges. $92M for American Financial recognized $92 millionb in after-tax charges for other-than-temporary impairments on Morethan three-fourths of these were attributables to fixed-maturity securities, which the companh intends to hold until they recover in $161M, much more to come, for Macy’ws In addition to the $161 million in fourth-quarter impairment chargexs announced by , the company told investors that it’s stillk evaluating a charge for goodwill impairment relatef to its 2005 acquisition of the May Departmenr Stores Co.
It “currently estimatez that the amount of goodwilol to be written down in the fourth quarter of 2008 isbetweehn $4.5 billion and $5.5 or $10 to $12.50 per diluted share. Expertx are split over what it means. “To some degreed it’s a destruction of shareholder saidMark Batty, seniorf equity analyst at in Philadelphia. Goodwilll impairment results whencompanies , in admit they overpaid for an acquisition. They take the charge well afterd the acquisition was But it hurts shareholders because it meand management admits it misjudged the values of assetsit purchased.
Even though the currenft environment has caused many asset values to management is supposed toconsider worst-caser scenarios in valuing those assets. “It’se partially a function of the environment, and management being too optimistic on the earningxpower it’s acquiring,” Batty said. But othersw argue that investors are often aware ofa company’s impairex assets long before charges are “They are an after-the-fact acknowledgement,” said Phil an associate professor of finance at .
“The intelligeng investor already knewthat Macy’s overpaidf (for the May Departmenyt Stores chain) and they’re not goingy to realize the extra earnings that’s supposed to bring. They’vre already discounted that into the price of the One way of gauging the impact of Glasgow said, is to follow the stock prices in the days after a disclosure. If shares decline fastet than the broader it could be a sign that investors were surprisex by the severity ofthe writedown. Anothe expert suggests looking for the underlying reasons for theassetg impairment.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Jacksonville Jaguars face a tough sell with fans this season - San Francisco Business Times:
About 15,000 season-ticket holders ditched theifr stadium seatsthis year, more than doublinfg the nonrenewal rate of prior years. Bill the team’s senior vice president of stadium operationws and chieffinancial officer, said club surveys showed that 65 percen t of season-ticket holders who did not renew blamedx the economy. He said the team is well off the 43,00o0 season tickets it had sold at this time last year for theapproximatelg 67,000 uncovered seats at Jacksonvill Municipal Stadium. Jacksonville is the NFL’s fourth-smallest market in a statr that has been among the hardest hit by declines in the realestated market.
Coming off an unimpressive performance last seasojn and into a recession that continues to keep Americands from spending beyondthe basics, team executives know they have their work cut out for them. “I think they got kind of a triples whammy this year with the economyt and expectations being alittlew low. Then you look at the home schedule and therwe are not a lot of marquee teams coming to town that will eitherf bring in fans or enticer Jaguars fans to come saidKen Murrah, managing partner of Quint a Ponte Vedra Beach-based sports event agency.
“For people who are making decisiona aboutseason tickets, it makes it easie for them to say, ‘I don’t think the team is goinv to be that good this and hand over those The Jaguars this year are armed with a new grouop sales team appealing to the business communitu to boost sales, pitching 20 percenf savings in group tickets, getting an earlier start on half-packi ticket sales and addingh a new “value pack” for four people that includes drinks and snacks.
Ticket prices remain flat from last The latest effort from the Jaguarw came this week with the announcement of anew 12-mont layaway program for 2010 season tickets in additioh to the previously established five-month layaway It will allow fans to set their own payment schedule and debir the amount automatically from their bank accounrt for a 1.9 percent transaction fee and no “Everyone is doing whatever they can to get peopls in there,” said Tim vice president of business He knows the working-class population that accounts for most of the ticker sales is strained, so management is hopint to drum up the kind of corporate support that is more typicak in other markets.
But with a relativelg small corporate base and shrinkinv budgets acrossthe board, that, too, is likelt to be an uphill battle. Coach Jack Del Rio earlie r this month urged attendeew at a Cornerstone Regional Developmentg Partnership luncheon to buy And the pitch to other business executives and civixcgroups isn’t shying away from the fact that withoutg their support, the Jaguars’ home games might not be “It’s going to be a real strugglse to get blackouts lifted each week,” Connolly Avoiding blackouts and securing local airtime means they will have to fill abou t 50,000 general stadium seats, the approximate equivalent of 10 percengt of Jacksonville’s TV viewing households.
The seats available for football were reducex in 2005 when managementcoveres 10,000 of the stadium’s 77,000 seats. They will remain covered this which team officials said is simplyu because the stadium istoo big, but an indicatiohn to some of the team’s lack of All Jaguars home games met the criteria for broadcast last but three games were blacke out in 2007. Connolly said it’sz too early to project how many games will fail to meet the criteriazthis year. Meanwhile, the nationwides search for corporate sponsor naming rights to the Jacksonvill e MunicipalStadium continues. ’e contract with the stadium endedin 2007.
Mackuy Weaver, executive director of corporate sponsorship, said the Jaguars are trying to be flexible with the terme of the deal, which would likely be a minimumn of 10 years at $5 million per But he conceded that it’sd unlikely a deal will happen this The marketing team is instead focusing on the area’s many other businessexs that support the Jaguars. “Our lifeline is the small-to-medium-sizse companies in Jacksonville, and we need theie support now morethan ever,” Weaver Connolly is quick to point out despite unfavorable conditions heading into the 2009 season, the Jaguarsz have been ranked amongg the top game-day experiences and best tickeft prices, and the team has had a solid performance over the past five years with 45 wins.
And a winninv season this year could openup “We are optimistic as always, because by and at the end of the day, our businesas is most affected by what happens on the field, and I think we’re going to have a prettyy darn good team,” he said. The team this year is headexd by new general managerGene Smith, who in January was promoted from vice The season will open Aug. 17 with a preseasonn game against the Miami Dolphins atDolphin Stadium, followed by a home game Aug. 22 agains the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The regular seasonm begins Sept. 13 against the Indianapolis Colts at LucasOil Field.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Workers at two MillerCoors plants ratify new deals - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
and Fort Worth, Texas, have ratifiex new, three-year contracts. The agreements cover more than 900 employees at the two breweriea and provide wage and pension increasex over the course ofthe “Our members overwhelmingly ratifiefd these contracts at MillerCoors because they provid stability for their families,” said Jack Cipriani, director of the Teamstersa Brewery and Soft Drink Workers Conference, which represents workers at the “For the next three years, our members at MillerCoors know that theit wages and pension benefits will increase, which is saying a lot in today’sx economy.
” The contracts call for no health care cost increasex for workers in the first year of the contract and only minod increases for the second and third years, accordint to the union. The new deal also guaranteess that employees who have retired or who will retirew during the course ofthe three-year contractz won’t be required to pay healthg care premiums. “We value all generationds of our members, so we made sure that there were improvementd for both active members at MillerCoors and the retirees who had paved the way before with theit long yearsof service,” Ciprianu said. The Teamsters union representsw 1,200 MillerCoors workers nationwide.
The union also represente workers at the MillerCoors breweryin Calif. Negotiations for a new contract coverinvg employees at the plant areundert way. MillerCoors is a joint venture between MillerBrewing Co., Milwaukee, and Coorws Brewing Co., Golden, Colo., that launchec in July 2008. MillerCoords operates a major brewery and regionaol officeon Milwaukee’s west side. Workers at the Milwauked brewery are represented by Brewery Workers Localk 9 of the United AutoWorkers union.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Mass. seeks bids for $157M in energy stimulus - Washington Business Journal:
The agency is preparin a comprehensive application on behalf of municipalk and private entities to send to the to receive its shared of Energy Efficiency and Conservation BlockGrant funding, some $157 The DOER is soliciting projects for submission, and estimates about 72 projects will receive funding. Projectse must be “shovel ready,” or readyt to begin within 120 days of receivingstimulus money. They also must work towardzs energy efficiency, alternative energy or greenhouse gas emissionreduction standards. Some of the projects eligible for fundinb include combined heat andpower systems, district energy systems, waste energy recovery or high efficiencyg industrial equipment.
Stimulus dollars will pay for up to 50 percent ofapprovexd projects. Proposals must be submitted to the DOER byJune 30. “j encourage businesses, municipalities and others to come forward with proposala for putting this federal funding to work here in said DOER Commissioner Philip Giudice in a preparedwritten “Increasing investment in these innovative energy technologiesz will move us furthe along the path to a cleanh energy future that Gov. (Deval) Patricmk is blazing for Massachusetts.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Steuben Foods completes Elma takeover - Business First of Buffalo:
Steuben has been a tenanyt of thenearly 800,000-square-foot plant since 1985 and employs 475 but Wednesday’s action takezs plant from public sector ownership and puts it into privatde hands. The end result not only secures Steuben’d long-term future, but also opensd the door for potentiakl expansionpossibilities and, in the short term, generates almos t $185,000 in new town and school propertg taxes. “This is a great successs story,” said Al Culliton, ECIDA chief operatingg officer. Steuben has already invested morethan $200 million in plantt improvements since moving there in 1985. The planr was built in the early 1970s for the formef WesternElectric Co.
but sat vacantg after the company closed itsElma facility. Steuben’ds incentive package was crafted toinclude low-cost hydropower as well as stat e and county tax abatements. “I was risky but Culliton said. “We forgesd ahead in what was reallyuncharted territory.” Steubejn produces various of aseptic drinks and juices for its vast clientf list.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
StarWatch Consumer | Disabled patients to benefit from Medicare change - Kansas City Star
StarWatch Consumer | Disabled patients to benefit from Medicare change Kansas City Star StarWatch Consumer | Disabled patients to benefit from Medicare change. Updated: 2012-10-23T17:09:12Z. More News. Lawyers for Medicare patients say the Obama administration has agreed to a change that would help people with severe chronic ... |
Monday, October 22, 2012
Scoops: Who
Of the 80 students at 12 will start classes at Hawaii Tokaion Sept. 25, bringing that junior college’s enrollmentt to more than 100. The majority of students at TransPacifivc returned home to Japan aftert the school announced its closurdethis summer. “We have a very same collegse programas them,” said Naoto Yoshikawa, chancellorr of Hawaii Tokai. “I talked to Dr. Kawanishik [TransPacific’s acting president] and explained that I will accepyt all ofthe students.” Junior colleges in the United Statee that do not receive government funding face financial challenges as enrollment among Asian students declines. Theif main source of income comesdfrom tuition.
Students at Hawaii Tokai pay $13,00p0 annually, about $5,000 less than tuition at Students with GPAsof 3.0 or higher receivw 50 percent off tuition. Hawaii Tokai, locatecd in an 18-story Kapiolani Boulevard comprises classrooms, a cafeteria and dormitories. More than 50 percentg of its students arefrom Japan, and the rest are from the Unitec States, China and Taiwan. TransPacific has operated in Hawaiisince 1977.
Former City Council chairman may get into bakinf businessArnold Morgado, former chairman of the , may buy the franchised rights of the storse in downtown Honolulu from owners Rae and Ed At PBN’s press time, the purchasw wasn’t a done deal as lease arrangementse and financing still needed to be worked out. The venturee is for Karen, Morgado’s wife and a former flight Arnold is a financial advisetrfor . has put its 3-year-old in Waipahu up for Colliers Monroe Friedlander listedx the property this weekfor $35 million. The 60,555-square-foof shopping center, built in 2005, which is anchored by Jack in The Box and Bank of sitson 4.5 acres just off the H-1-Kuniaa Road exit.
It joins a handful of other Oahu shoppinf centers on the includingin Kaneohe, Windward Town Country Plaza in Dillingham Plaza, and in Kapolei. Sisters will open downtowjn spa specializing in massage therapy Plumeria Body and Mind Massage will open 19 at 911Alakea St. The new business, betweejn Merchant and King streets indowntown Honolulu, will emphasizes massage therapy, said co-owner Celine Areeyathan. It is the firsft small business for Areeyathan and her business partnetand sister, Araya Nakasone.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
The Memphis openings are a part ofthe Springfield, Mass.-basecd firm’s national campaign to recruit 2,000 independeny contractors. “We’re recruiting dozens of new agents righft nowand we’re working hard to attracrt top talent. To do this we need to offe r an unrivaled packageof incentives, traininb and support,” said Scott Rich, vice president of field force development for , in a statement. MassMutuall pays the tuition and fees for agentzs who earn industry designations and colleger degrees up to and includinga master’s of sciences degree in financial services.
Agents who builc their own financial services practice within the MassMutual agenchy may receiveoffice space, administrativee staff, utilities and nearly everything relateds to setting up and growing their MassMutual said. Eligible agents also receive an incom subsidy for up tothree years. For information about a financiakl servicescareer .
Friday, October 19, 2012
Toyota forced to cut record production plan - MarketWatch
Toyota forced to cut record production plan MarketWatch Toyota produced 6.90 million vehicles in the first eight months of the year, up 45% from the same period last year. This indicates the company is on track to hit the planned production level. However when it releases production for September next ... |
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
âBionic Legâ Helps Local Woman Stay Active Despite MS Diagnoses -
âBionic Legâ Helps Local Woman Stay Active Despite MS Diagnoses The constant swinging would throw her hips off and cause her to become fatigued after walking short distances. After years of swinging out her hips, Milano's life changed after she watched a segment on the Today show that told a story very similar to hers. |
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
P&G rolls out ads for wet toilet paper - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Reuters reported that starting Monday in select the company is launching television commercials for its newFresu , a flushable product that is a cros s between toilet paper and a baby wipe. The commercialsd will feature an orange and blue duck who offers a roll of Fresh Mates to the bear who stars inthe company's curreny Charmin brand toilet paper ads. In the the bear seems confused and asks The duck responds by shakintg his tail feathers at the and then once the understanding is the characters exchangea high-five. The commerciapl was developed by Darcy MasiuseBenton & Bowles, which is a unit of New York advertisinf holding group Bcom3 Inc.
A spokesmann declined to disclose the cost of the which will appear inthe mid-Atlantic and southeasternn states where Fresh Mates are being Charmin Fresh Mates will take on Kimberly-Clarjk Corp.'s Cottonelle Fresh Rollwipes, which also hit select marketws in July. The companies say that 60 percentof U.S. consumera have used their own form of the producrt by either moistening a sheet of regulaer toilet paper or using a combination of wet toiler paper andwet wipe.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Moneta's Schick establishes University of Missouri-St. Louis professorship - Triangle Business Journal:
Alumnus Peter Schick, chairman of the , has pledgeed $1.7 million to establish an endowed professorship in financw in the College ofBusiness Administration. The endowmentr will be known as thePeter G. Schick Professorship in Finance at The professorship, which will be the first endowedd position for the college's finance will be filled through a national Moneta Group is a financia l advisory company based in Clayton, Mo. Also on Wednesday, UMSL established a new partnershio with the to create the Center for Excellencs in Financial Counselingat UMSL.
The FCE is a nonprofit dedicated to improvinv thefinancial well-being of consumers through the professiona development of financial counselors. Assorted assets of the foundatiohn totalingabout $3.25 million will be donate to UMSL. The Center for Excellencer in Financial Counseling will be locatexon UMSL's South Campus. It is expected to open in
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Duke ordered to shut Indiana units - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The move follows a jury ruling last year thatthe plant’sw previous owner, Cinergy Corp., violated federalo emissions standards after it refurbishecd the units without a permit. Charlotte-base d Duke (NYSE:DUK) bought Cinergy in April 2006 for $9 At the time of last year’s ruling, Duke proposed that unitsa 2, 3 and 5 be retiredd in 2012, when the company’s new integrated gasification combined-cyclse plant in Edwardsport, Ind., comes on The court’s order acceleratesx that timetable bythree years. Shutting down unitsw 2, 3 and 5 will remove a combinedf capacity of265 megawatts. That is 39 percent of the station’sw 677-megawatt power-generating capacity.
The units affected by the judge’s decisiobn are more than 50 years old, says Jim president and chief operatingb officerof Duke’s franchisedc electric and gas segment. He says the orderr should not impactthe company’s operationsx this year because of change s Duke had already made following the jury’s verdicf last year.
Friday, October 12, 2012
ASSE Poster Contest Helps Kids Appreciate Safety - EHS Today
EHS Today | ASSE Poster Contest Helps Kids Appreciate Safety EHS Today Now in its eleventh year, the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) annual kids' Safety on the Job poster conference is open for entries through Feb. 14, 2013. The contest, which accepts entries from kids ranging in age from 5 to14, aims to ... < p class="p" size="-1"> |
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
U.S. Treasury to buy up to $1 trillion of banks' toxic assets - Phoenix Business Journal:
Stocks moved higher early Monday in responswe tothe news, with hopes high of a big rallyg on Wall Street. As of noon Phoeni x time, the was up 368 points to 7647. The 500 was up 40 to 808, whilr the was up 68 to 1,523. The Treasury Department released details of its planthis morning, saying it wouldd use $75 billion to $100 billion in TARP capitak and capital from privated investors. The government said the Public-Private Investmentt Program will generatethe $500 billiob and the and the will provide the financinhg for the deals.
“This approach is superiort to the alternatives of either hoping for bankse to gradually work these assets off their booksx or of the government purchasing theassetws directly,” according to a statement from the The private investors will compete with one another to set the pric e for the troubled loans and securities in ordeer to help insure the government doesn’t overpay for the assets. “Step 1: If a bank has a pool of residentiapl mortgageswith $100 face value that it is seeking to the bank would approach the FDIC. Step 2: The FDIC wouldr determine, according to the above process, that they woulde be willing to leverage the pool ata 6-to-1 debt-to-equity ratio.
Step 3: The pool woulds then be auctioned bythe FDIC, with severak private sector bidders submitting bids. The highest bid from the privatrsector – in this example, $84 would be the winner and wouldx form a Public-Private Investment Fund to purchase the pool of Step 4: Of this $84 purchase price, the FDIC woul d provide guarantees for $72 of financing, leavinvg $12 of equity. Step 5: The Treasury woul d then provide 50% of the equity funding requirexd ona side-by-side basis with the In this example, Treasury would invest approximately $6, with the privatr investor contributing $6.
Step 6: The privats investor would then managew the servicing of the asset pool and the timing of its disposition on an ongoingbasis – using asset managers approvede and subject to oversight by the FDIC.” For the full text of the government’s details, click .
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Is Flir an acquisition target? - Portland Business Journal:
that are benefiting from increased Pentago spending on the war in according to anews story. BAE Systems PLC, Cobham PLC and Smithse Group PLC are among the companies looking to make Bloomberg reported. The weak dollar makes buying U.S. companies even more "We made five acquisitionzs in the U.S. in 2004 and we are goinfg to make more this Mike Turner, chief executive officer of BAE, Europe'sw biggest weapons maker, said in an interview Jan. 18. ``There'w no money in It's all in the U.S.'' Stock analysts told Bloomberythat U.S.
companies that may be acquiredcinclude Portland-based Flir Systems, a maker of night-vision cameras; New York-basesd ; and defense-electronics makers , and Flir spokesmann Tony Trunzo told Bloomberg the company is not for The company's net incomw increased more than 60 percent in both the fourth-quarter and full fiscao year 2004. Flir also announced this montha two-for-on e stock split. Fourth-quarter net income increased 61 percent to $24.1 million, or 31 cents per after giving effect to the two-for-one stock Revenue for the 2004 fourth quarter increased 48 percengt to $143.7 million. For the full year, net incomse rose 60 percent to arecordr $71.5 million, or 94 centsz per share.
Revenue for 2004 was $482.7 million, an increasd of 55 percent fromthe $312 millionn generated in 2003.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Workers at two MillerCoors plants ratify new deals - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
and Fort Worth, Texas, have ratified new, three-year contracts. The agreements covet more than 900 employees at the two breweries and provided wage and pension increases over the course ofthe “Our members overwhelmingly ratified these contractas at MillerCoors because they provide stability for theitr families,” said Jack Cipriani, director of the Teamsters Brewer and Soft Drink Workers Conference, which represents workers at the “For the next thred years, our members at MillerCoors know that their wages and pensiobn benefits will increase, which is saying a lot in today’ss economy.
” The contracts call for no health care cost increasesw for workers in the first year of the contracg and only minor increases for the secons and third years, according to the union. The new deal also guarantees that employees who have retired or who will retire duringy the course ofthe three-yeaer contracts won’t be required to pay health care “We value all generations of our so we made sure that therd were improvements for both activre members at MillerCoors and the retirees who had paved the way befores with their long yeare of service,” Cipriani said. The Teamstersw union represents 1,200 MillerCoors workere nationwide.
The union also represents workers at the MillerCoors breweryin Irwindale, Calif. Negotiations for a new contracf covering employees at the plant areunder way. MillerCoors is a joint venture betweenm MillerBrewing Co., Milwaukee, and Coors Brewing Co., Colo., that launched in July 2008. MillerCoors operates a majodr brewery and regional officeon Milwaukee’s west Workers at the Milwaukee brewery are represented by Brewerh Workers Local 9 of the Unitedx Auto Workers union.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Fliers like airlines less and less - Boston Business Journal:
of Westlake Village, Calif., foundd in an annual survey of airline customer s that their satisfactionfell again, for the third year in a row. This is the lowest level for four years, the companyt said. Though flyers said on-timr arrivals improved and waits at airlinecounters shortened, nevertheleses they were unhappy with new fees for checked bags, in-flightr services, and the attention given by flight attendants. J.D. Powerd studied airlines in twogroups — traditional and low-cost (NYSE: ALK) ranked highest in the traditionak carrier group, garnering 671 points out of a possible Second in that group was (NYSE: with 669 points.
(NASDAQ: UAUA) was belos the average of 626 pointx in the traditionalcarrier group, with just 604 points. (NASDAQ: topped the list of low-cost carriers with 750 points out of with (NYSE: LUV) and tied for seconc place with 736 points.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Big projects may get a little piece of stimulus package - Kansas City Business Journal:
Although the $775 billiohn plan is far from beinf setin concrete, as little as $90 billion may be spentg on conventional infrastructure projects such as roads and said Charlie Sunderland, CEO of in Overland “And that’s over two said Sunderland, immediate past chairma n of the Chicago-based . “That wouldn’t make much of a dent for our Brian McCarthy, CEO of the Portlaned Cement Association, said the Obama administration was keepinhg details of the stimulus plan “pretty close to the vest.” “Butt I’ve heard the $90 billion figure, and I’ve heard $180 he said.
When askee whether the association was planning to lobbyfor more, Mc-Carthy said, “Of coursde we are.” Discussion of the stimuluxs plan comes at a time when local and state money for publicv infrastructure is dwindling and the global economic crisi is choking off financing for commercial Annual U.S. sales of cement, the primargy ingredient in concrete, are expected to fall to less than 90 milliom metric tons this year from a high of 130 million metric tonsin 2006, McCarthy As a result, he already has heard of about a half-dozen recent closings among the roughlt 100 U.S.
cement plants, and he said he expects “This is the biggest drop in terms of demandthat we’v seen, really, since the Depression,” Sunderland said. Founde d in 1882, Ash Grove Cement operates nine cementplantd nationwide. In anticipation of a 12 percent dropin U.S. cement demansd this year, following a 13 percent drop in 2008, Ash Groves suspended productionof clinker, which is ground to make Portland cement, at its plant in Idaho. About 45 of the plant’s 68 employees were laid off. “Thiw stimulus package couldn’t come at a bettedr time,” said Bill Clarkson Jr., vice president of both , a Kansass City-based heavy constructor, and .
“But I hope Charlis (Sunderland) is wrong” about how much will be committexdto infrastructure, Clarkson said. The Missouri and Kansas departments of transportation are nearinb the ends of their multiyear highway financing Clarkson said, and Missouri remains among the nation’s five worst statesz in terms of bridge deficiencies. “There’s also a lot of need on the Kansaw side,” Clarkson said. “Take U.S. 69 from I-435 north to 75th Streeyt in Overland Park. It’s in abysmapl shape, and the traffic count has doublerd within the last10 years.
” Ed executive director of the , agreef that there was plenty of local demand, as evidenced by a list of $781 million in ready-to-bid infrastructure projects recently compiled by officials in Kansas City alone. Of that doesn’t include the $2.5 billion in sewed improvements needed in Kansas DeSoignie said. U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill, plans to help address that need by seeking atleastr $25 billion in federal stimuluds money for water and sewer projecte nationwide.
DeSoignie said the latest he has heard from Washingtoj is that the stimulus package will end up inthe $700 billionh to $900 billion range and that it will be split roughly in thirds amongt infrastructure, tax cuts, and aid to cities and state Medicaidd programs. Unfortunately for heavy constructors, DeSoigni e said, the infrastructure pieces may be split agai n among roadsand bridges, watef and sewer projects, green initiatives, even librarty projects and information technology for hospitals.
He said the grou p hasn’t been given any numbers for the If traditional infrastructure is givenshoryt shrift, heavy constructors will have another opportunitu via the federal highway bill, which is up for reauthorization in the But Congress could put off the reauthorization by passingg continuing resolutions that hold spending to currentr or reduced levels. “They could put the wholr thing off while this stimulus money is outtherwe churning,” DeSoignie said.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Cedar Fair reports 'continuing' Great America sales talks with 49ers - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
In a release Monday, Cedar Fair said it had cut its dividens and completed a strategic review of its assets and decided to explore the possible sale of Worlddof Fun, in Kansas City, Mo., and Valleyfair in Shakopee, along with excess land in its Cleveland and Toront o markets. Great America is adjacent to thepropose 49ers' stadium in Santa Clara and Cedar Fair'xs objections to impact from that plan has been helped hold up the The company said it will lower its annual dividened to $1 per share, makinvg its quarterly distribution 25 centds a share, beginning in the second quarter.
The reducede dividend will enable Cedar Fair to lowerf its debt byabout $200 million in the next threse fiscal years and is the first step in its plan to cut debt and strengthenm its balance sheet, according to the release. “Althoug Cedar Fair has continued to reporg solid earnings and cash flowd with some of the best operatingv margins among regionalamusement parks, the boarde of directors is taking this actiom in order to retain additional cash flow to deliver the companu over the next several years,” Chairmanj and CEO Dick Kinzel said in the release.
“The current macrko environment requires us to balance the distribution of excess cash flow toour unit-holderd with the company’s strategic objectiver of strengthening our balance sheet.” Sandusky, Ohio-based Cedar Fair (NYSE:FUN) owns and operatees 11 amusement parks, six outdoor watedr parks, one indoor water park and five hotels.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Room It Up Helps Retailers Capture Wide Markets With Their New Back to School 2009 Product Launch
June 10 /PRNewswire/ -- As the impendinbg back to school season approachews lifestyle accessory brand Room It Up preparess to launch their biggest ever assortmengt for the season incompany history. "We have improve some of our key back to school itemx and added four limited edition prints to help our customers capture the widest of marketes for this everimportant season," says , Vice Presiden of Room It Up. Retailers will discover that the new collectiobn contains a print and style to satisfyany personality. Highlights of the assortmentf include new printsArgyle Prep, 80's Dot, Hearty Candy, Check It Out, Fun Flower and Merci.
Additionally, Room It Up is addinhg a newer, sleeker design to the populad mini andlarge backpacks, a roller sturdier 3 ring binders, printed cozy fleece, six new lap desk designsx and a 20% larger lunch tote remaining at last season'as pricing. Products in the new collection have been available currentlyfor pre-orde only on the Room It Up Retai Partner site since early April and the responser has been overwhelmingly positive. Stores are due to starty receiving their shipmentsthis week.
Room It Up plansx to show their new collection to retailers this summer in thei r new booth locations at the Atlanta GiftMart (Buildiny 3, 5-100), The New York Internationap Gift Fair (1734) and SURF Expo Orlando (2673). Room It Up products can be purchasef atover 5,000 specialty stores acros s the country, or directlhy online at . For more informationh regarding Room It Up please contacrat 772-919-7584 or .
Room It Up is a division of Primes SourceAccessories Inc, a privately held company located in Stuart, Room It Up designs and manufacturesw a coordinated lifestyle accessory collection designed to Personalizw Your Space featuring theie patented lap desks, back to school essentials, travel totes & cases, home and closet fleece throws and much more! Room It Up productws are available in over 5000 retail stores across the Uniter States as well as numerouws countries around the world. This press release was issued through For further information, visit .
Monday, October 1, 2012
Sun, warm temps greet snow symposium - Business First of Buffalo:
The is thinking snow. Seriously. The NFTA, through its Buffalo Niagara InternationalAirport operations, is hosting the 43rd annuap “Snow Symposium.” The gathering is expected to attract 700 peoplee from around the Northeast and, from Iraq, wherew they will discuss, review and learbn about the effective ways to removse snow from busy airports and This marks the 24th consecutive year Buffalk has hosted the meeting. The gathering is run by the Northeasty Chapter ofthe .
The conventiohn runs from April 25 to 29 and is usingf the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center asits “A snowstorm can cost a major airport more than a quarterf of a million dollars in removal said Lawrence Meckler, NFTA executive director. “The cost of delay s compounds that number.” Some of the highlights of the four-day convention includd the debut of more than 100 piecewof new, heavy duty snow remova l equipment. The pegs the economic impact of the snow symposiumat $732,000.