Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Former local football star flounders financially - Wichita Business Journal:

million judgment from the latesty ofhis troubles. Kosar, of Weston, and relatedd companies also lost foreclosure judgmentse on multifamily properties in theTampa area, and face a pendingf foreclosure lawsuit against a third. His Berniw Kosar’s Steakhouse was evicteds from its South Miami space in Many South Florida and Cleveland sportsd fans remember Kosar for his stellar success onthe field. He led UM to its first football national championshipin 1984, then played 12 seasonsz in the NFL, mostly with the . Kosar, now 45, playedf his final season with thein 1996.
The UM trustee is a minorithy owner of boththe NHL’s and the , an team that sat out the past seasob along with the rest of the league. The Plain Dealer reported that the Gladiatorslost $2 milliohn to $2.5 million in the inaugural 2008 season, duringg which Kosar was team president and guided the team to the Meanwhile, the Panthers have discussedx merging the team with a New York company, Street Smith’s SportsBusiness Journal has reported. It appearws Kosar could use some money to pay mounting In April, National City Bank won a $4.2 millio judgment against Kosar and BJK LLC.
It was baserd on the remaining delinquent amount of a promissory note that was increasefdto $12 million in 2005, with Kosar as a personal guarantor. The lawsuit does not say what BJK and Kosaf used themoney for, but it said he defaulted on the note in June 2008. Kosar’z attorney, David Lister of Weston, did not return repeated callxsseeking comment. West Palm Beach-based attorney Michael T. who represents National City Bank, also did not return several calls. Kosar’s attempt at running some multifamily propertiesson Florida’s Gulf Coast did not work out too either. Kosar and his Boardwalk LLC on May 11 losta $2.
9 millionh foreclosure judgment to Florida Bank in Pinellas Count y Circuit Court. The 36-unit building was schedulex for public sale onJune 16. In April, Kosar and his Oakmonr LLC losta $3.3 million foreclosure judgmenrt to Florida Bank in Hillsborough Countu Circuit County over a Tampa apartment The bank has another foreclosure lawsuit pending in Pinellas County against Kosar and his PCV LLC. Kosaer also faces significant tax problems, including $59,881 in unpaid property taxes on his Westo home and acombined $93,647 in federal tax lienws against him over his personal income taxes, includinv some years filed jointly with ex-wife Babette Kosar.
However, Kosar did fully pay a separate $228,806 federa tax lien placed on him inJuly 2008. When The Plaij Dealer questioned Kosar about those previousluy unpaid taxesin August, Kosar said some billxs were lost in the shuffle durinb his divorce. “Divorce is difficult enoug h asit is, especially for someone who wasn’t really lookingh to do that,” he told the paper. “So, who owes what and all of thatbecomexs hard, but whatever I owe, obviousluy I would pay.” Kosar’s home, at 2940 Paddock Road, is currentlhy listed online for sale for $3.5 million. It was purchasec for almost the same amountin 2006.

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